I am renting a car in Florence near the train station from AutoEurope so we can spend 4 days in Tuscany. We are arriving from Venice and this spot was easy walking distance. I won't be doing any driving in Florence except for pickup and return. How do I avoid the ZTL's? Does the office get you a pass to get out of and into Florence?
Thanks for the advice. I am trying to get the reservation changed or at least some explanation of how I get out of and into town. Unfortunately, I have found it inconvenient to get to the airport or other locations outside outside of the ZTL, plus they are telling me the rental cost on that vehicle has gone up substantially. At this point, we are leaving on 9/12, I think I will just hope the AutoEurope office has good directions for egress an ingress. Their office must have ways of dealing with this on a daily basis. Wish me Luck.
The key is to know exactly where you are going and not get lost. There are multiple ZTLs in Florence. You may get a pass to one ZTL, but if you make a wrong turn and enter a different ZTL, you'll get a ticket. I'd guess that's how others get tickets even though they report their car to their hotel. If you are renting in Florence, they can give you specific instructions on how to leave town. I presume you'd follow those in reverse to return the car. Good luck.
Personally, I wouldn't take the chance. The train station is within the ZTL zone. There have been reports on this forum of individuals who had their hotels call in their rental car info so they could drive to their hotel, and they still received a ticket in the mail here in the States a year later. AutoEurope needs to tell you about an office outside of the ZTL or pick up the car at the airport. Have fun driving through Tuscany.
I agree with Denise, I would not personally risk it. When I rented a car in Tuscany I rented from Pisa airport and returned to Florence airport. It is simply not worth the risk. Even forgetting the ZTL I would not want to drive in central Florence. Navigating the area near the airport was quite enough, though the countryside is a joy.
There is an express bus that goes from the train station to the airport. I would get to the airport that way and pick up the car there.
Here's the website for the SITA bus that runs between the train station and the airport: http://www.florenceitaly.net/bus.html
Thanks for all the help. You have convinced me. I am changing my car reservations to the airport. This message board is great.
We used AutoEurope and picked up our car at the Via Del Gelsimino 11, Florence location per the agents's advice in 2008. We took an easy inexpensive taxi ride to it from the train station avoiding all the issues
Tom - while you are correct about recognizing the signs and being alert, I suspect it isn't always that easy. Driving in the twisted streets of an Italian city can be very confusing and it's easy to get lost, make a wrong turn or miss your turn. All while avoiding pedestrians, scooters wizzing by, and other aggressive drivers. Having a navigator can help, but people still find themsevles where they don't intend/want to be. The best advice is still to try and avoid driving in city centers in Italy.
"How do I avoid the ZTL's?' The best rule is to learn what a ZTL warning sign looks like. It is a red circle with a white interior. The circles may be different sizes; some may have a red light, some not; some may have the letters ZTL above the circle, some not; but all ZTL's will have this sign in one way or another. The sign means NO ENTRY. NEVER drive past one of these signs and you'll be OK. Here's one example: http://tinyurl.com/cry88wy Here's another: http://tinyurl.com/8col8vh
Exactly, Tom. There is a sign for ZTLs. Some have exceptions, but if you play safe, NEVER driving past one of those signs, you will not have any problem with them.
Debra is right on, rent it at the airport. I did the AutoEurope near SMN, it was a nightmare just getting out of Florence, let alone ZTL's.