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Florence: 5 Days with tween/teen, grandparents, and a wheelchair!


I'm planning a fairly last minute trip to Italy. I'd love feedback on our Florence itinerary :-) I studied abroad in Florence a lifetime ago, so I'm excited to see it again! This trip will be for 6 of us - me, my husband, my parents (my mother broke her toe recently but swears it won't slow her down), and our two daughters ages 14 and 10. Our older daughter will be using a wheelchair for a nervous system condition (she is able to walk, but can't walk or stand for long periods of time). I'm debating whether we will get the Firenzecard - it will likely depend on whether we are able to book a tour of the Uffizi and whether that tour already includes tickets.

Arrival Day: Thursday, March 7
After we check into the apartment (in the Oltrarno), stroll through the city to get a feel for it, seeing: Ponte Vecchio, Porcellino Market, possibly the Duomo, and the Palazzo della Signoria. Find dinner along the way.

Friday, March 8: Churches and carousels and gardens, oh my
Today will be a gentle introduction to Renaissance art and the city of Florence. Our wander will include: Santo Spirito, Santa Trinita, and Piazza della Repubblica to (hopefully) ride the carousel and get lunch. Possibly continue on to Santa Maria Novella and/or San Lorenzo, but if we need a rest head to apartment. Possibly check out the Boboli Gardens (unless they're too crowded because of free admission for International Women's Day).

Saturday, March 9: Art and Science
See the Uffizi, hopefully with a private guided tour (I've emailed 3 to ask about availability). After lunch, see the Galileo Museum (my girls love science). If we didn't see the Boboli Gardens yesterday, we'll head there today.

Sunday, March 10: Engineering and Church
See the Da Vinci museum (my girls will love the interactive exhibits, even if the museum is purely touristy, I know they'll love it). Get lunch, then wander into Basilica di San Lorenzo. Duomo Tour of Bapistry and Duomo Museum from 3 to 4:30 (already booked). If my people aren't exhausted, then we can take either the bus or a cab up to Piazzale Michelangelo and/or San Miniato (arrive by 5:30 for 6pm sunset).

Monday, March 11: Day trippin'
We'll take the regional train to Pisa S Rossore. The Piazza dei Miracoli is supposed to be a 10 minute walk from this station. After we wander around the area (not planning to go inside this trip), we will be taking a regional train to Viareggio. Kind of an odd time of year, but my 14 year old has requested that she be able to put her feet into the Mediterranean Sea. My plan is to basically walk from the train station down towards the water and find a place to eat a late lunch.

Tuesday, March 12: Seeking David!
Today we'll see 3 different Davids (before seeing a 4th in Rome). We'll reserve the Accademia in the morning, then go to the Bargello. I'm hoping to also see Santa Maria Novella and Santa Croce, if we haven't already fit them in somewhere else.

I may try to squeeze in a visit to La Specola (the recently reopened Natural History Museum), and my kids' patience may not stretch to as many churches as I'd like to see. I also plan to make a few stops along the way at playgrounds for my 10 year old. If anyone has suggestions for outdoor gardens/play areas or science-focused activities that I've missed, I'd love to hear them!

Mille grazie!

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