We will be staying in Florence (Oltrarno) and we are looking for restaurant recommendations - not touristy - not upscale. - but local and interesting. Thank you.
Trattoria la casalinga.
Roberto, I am not the OP, but I am wondering if it is necessary to make advance reservations for dinner at this restaurant. It sounds like a restaurant we would enjoy. Thank you.
If it's just one or two people, they should be able to sit you even without reservations, maybe after a wait. But unless it's a very large group, you can reserve one on the same day by phone or in person, if you happen to walk by.
Florence in San Frediano (November 2024):
Trattoria dell’Orto
Trattoria Sabatino (no reservations but the line is actually kind of fun as is the style of the place)
the deli Gastronomia il Giglio
Alla Vecchia Bettola
***Florence elsewhere (same trip):
Some place in the Sant'Ambrogio market with shared tables and you could see the kitchen
Roberto, thanks! It will be just me and my husband so we will wait and make a reservation when we are there.
We have eaten here many times and love the food. https://pizzeriaitarocchi.it/
I Tarocchi takes me back to my youth, in the early ‘1980s. The son of the owner, Stefano, was our school friend, but that didn’t save the father from our frequent “dine’n dash” raids. Lol.
A basement place in Oltrarno -- we had a glorious dinner with my mother here 25 years ago and so went back last fall for old times sake and enjoyed it. http://www.ilcantinonedifirenze.it/en/index.html
We had good luck with restaurants out past Porta Romana but alas I don't remember the names