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Flew home from Venezia on Sunday

Hi all.

I appreciated all of the advice and news as we planned our journey to Italia, and wanted to share some tips and info from our trip. I booked this on July 13 and planned it so we could leave home within a month. This replaced a spring break 2020 trip, and I could not disappoint my kids again with a cancellation. Good luck to all of you debating about fall or winter 2021 or later. We just do not know what COVID will do.

We flew from JFK to Venezia on August 11th. Delta required a temperature check before they let people board the flight. The flight was about 60-70% full.

At passport control in Venezia, the man at the desk asked for my PLF form and I showed him the code on my phone.

We went by train from Venezia to Roma. Temperature checks on the platform before they let us board. This was the only train ride of four where that happened.

Roma had so few tourists. I was amazed! Granted we were there for three extremely hot days (up to 100 degrees). On Thursday we had a 9am private tour of the Vatican Museums, but there were only about ten people in line out front, so I could have saved those pricey tickets.... We needed to show CDC vax cards to enter. The next morning we were at the Colosseum and again there were so few people in line out front. One restaurant dinner where they asked to see vax cards.

Train to Assisi on the 15th, which is Ferragosto. I was worried everything would be shut down for the national holiday, including finding a taxi in Roma and the trains, but it was not. My first time in Assisi, and I wish we had just done a day trip by bus from Roma. Seeing the Basilica di San Francesco was a very moving experience.

Monday morning train to Firenze. That city was full of tourists! Lots of French, German, Italian and other Europeans. I had heard few Americans in Rome, but there were many in Firenze. Maybe 50% of the people were wearing masks. We had booked online 9am tickets to the Accademia, saw David and the Prisoners statues (my kids are not big on art) and got out of the gift shop by 10am, by which time there was a long line around the corner already. Bistecca alla fiorentina at a lovely restaurant one evening but they did not check for vax cards. We did a pasta-making class and ate what we made - it made me VERY nervous that they did not check for vax cards and sat 10 people (four parties) at one table for dinner with the door closed....

Thursday morning train back to Venezia. We had an amazing flat close to Piazza San Marco. In the early morning, say from 6-8:30am, there are so few people out. But after that, the streets are full of tourists, including so many Americans. Riding crowded vaporetti was fine as we stayed mostly outside. but even in the cabins the windows were open. Masks required on the vaporetti, but very few people wearing masks just walking around. We had one restaurant meal but they did not check vax cards despite a notice so stating.

On Friday we made an appointment for COVID testing on Saturday. Unlike other cities, the small pharmacies do not do the testing in Venezia; there are only two central locations. We went to San Tome, were told the results on the spot, then returned to the pharmacy to collect the printout certification. At the airport, the forms were checked just one time. The flight to Atlanta was completely full - every last seat - but at least I knew that everyone else had tested negative, too.

I came home to more news, like a drumbeat of bad COVID news. Despite a bit of concern about the testing to come home, I do not regret this trip at all. I needed to go to Italia for my soul, and if/when we are locked down again, I have the memories and some Venetian pasta to help see me through.

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1082 posts

Nice trip report! We are heading to Spain in 3 weeks and hope to have an enjoyable trip, I'm glad things worked out so well for you.

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2521 posts

Thanks for your trip report, I’m so glad it went well for you. Your descriptions and observations of the tourists in Venezia are very helpful as I leave for the airport in 3 hours to fly directly to Venezia. I plan to wear a KN95 mask indoors and surgical masks when outdoors where people are not masked and we are on a vaporetto as an example. My big concern is that negative test requirement so I’m willing to be as cautious as possible to avoid close contact with others, especially strangers.
Were waiters wearing masks in restaurants? And staff inside museums and churches?
I agree with you, this trip will be good for my soul.

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8 posts

Judy, great to ask about the masks. We used KN95 on flights and trains, and medical for everyday. I bought some Italian FFP2, which I thought were strong, but they are hard to breathe in.

Yes, waiters, business people, shop vendors, and museum staff are all masked, even the guys who drive the vaporetto!

Burn viaggio!

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99 posts

Thank you for a delightful trip report Dee! I really enjoyed hearing about your Italy experience. We had a great experience in Portugal, and it is so nice to see others having a nice time too!

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2521 posts

Thanks, Dee, for that additional detail. I guess I’m not surprised about half the tourists were not wearing masks. It’s the same here in Atlanta. Human nature, sigh!

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47 posts

Thanks for such a great trip report! Very happy to hear it since we fly will leave Italy from Venice as well. We plan to get tested in Venice for our flight back to the US - do you mind sharing how you made your appt for your tests and the name of the pharmacy since there are so few pharmacy options in Venice? This would be very helpful!

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102 posts

Thank you for your report. I know what you mean about the soul.

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8 posts

Hi Lovetotravel564.

I had expected Venezia would be like Roma and Firenze, where the pharmacies do the test. I recall a sign in one pharmacy window near the Duomo in Firenze saying "No COVID TEST!!")

We walked into a Venetian pharmacy near the Rialto Bridge (I think the name was Morelli, but just look for the green plus sign to find a pharmacy or ask at your hotel - we had booked a flat so were on our own to find a place), and the woman said that they could only book it for us, which she did. 22 euros apiece, if I did not mention that before.

There is a huge testing center outside the train station, which I would avoid due to the line. Not sure if that site offers rapid testing.

If you are feeling really lucky, you could also get the rapid test at Marco Polo Airport the morning of your flight, but that was too stressful for me.

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31 posts

This is great info, thanks much. We are leaving for Venice next month.
And we fly in and out of Atlanta.,
Questions for you:
(1)( Before boarding at JFK did you need to present results of a a negative Covid test? If so, which one: PCR , Antigen ?
(2) before boarding, did you have to physically show your CDC card? or is a phone photo sufficient?
(3) since we fly home from Venice, please give us more info about getting tested and then getting the results at a local pharmacy.

Thanks VERY much.

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31 posts

Nuts, I clicked the send too quickly....

Besides having the PLF from on the phone, did you bring a hard copy?

Thanks again

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47 posts

Great, thanks so much for that info! We’re staying at an Airbnb so I may reach out to them prior to arrival to see if they offer to help schedule appts. A lot of our hotels in Italy have been emailing us saying they can help with that, so you never know! Sadly, the airport isn’t an option for us since our flight departs fairly early, and it’s already a bit of a headache getting there so early in the morning. So I would love to get it the day before at a pharmacy! This was very helpful - thanks again! Glad to hear you guys testing negative and got home okay.

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8 posts


You do not need to take a test before you leave the US or show proof of negative result. Delta did not ask for our vax cards at JFK.

I did not bring a hard copy of the PLF form. Maybe I should have?

Having just a photo of your vax cards will not work in Italy. I had to show the actual cards whenever asked.

564, I would recommend arranging the appointment two days ahead. We made the appointment on Friday, were offered Saturday testing, and returned home Sunday. If you wait until the day before departure to make the appointment, they may not be able to set a same-day appointment.

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47 posts

Thank you! We were actually going to make our appt before we even get to Venice so we know we’re all set. I have some research to do on that I suppose!

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1642 posts

My husband wonders if some restaurants are allowing Americans in without showing their cards because it is known that we can't enter Italy without being vaccinated. It's obvious who we are. Did you notice other people showing the Green Pass?

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8 posts

Nancy, I did not notice what other folks were doing in the restaurants, sorry. I can say that we were mostly in large cities. I agree with someone who posted elsewhere that in small towns, the owners can do what they want. We did not eat in a restaurant in Assisi.

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47 posts

Nancy - Just a quick note to remind you that vaccination is currently not required to travel to Italy. American tourists can provide a negative COVID test result to enter. So from what I’m hearing, all restaurants are requiring verification of your CDC card and some even want to see that in addition to your passport. I’ve also heard that some restaurants in smaller towns are NOT accepting the CDC vaccine card because they are technically a private business, and can do whatever they wish. It shouldn’t be an issue most places, it seems, though.

And keep in mind that entry regulations for Italy are up for evaluation August 30, meaning there could be new entry requirement for US tourists in light of our COVID case spikes.

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53 posts

Thanks for your report. We leave SEP 30 for Padua, Venice, Florence, and Rome.
Knowing now which tickets would you get ahead of time?
Did you book train tickets ahead of time?
What pasta making class did you do in Florence?

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8 posts

Hi psteiner1.

We did not book any of the train tickets ahead of time. This meant that we lost some very good fares, but I was concerned - what if we arrived late in Venice and it took too long at immigration or to get to the train station? What if we overslept and missed a train?

I did learn that Trenitalia is deliberately limiting the number of seats sold due to COVID. I kept wondering why they would not seat our family together when I bought tickets from the machine at each station, but we just found seats together on the train, and once a couple whose seats we took graciously said they would shift. Finally a conductor told me what Trenitalia was doing.

Fun story: I tucked away the Roma-to-Assisi for safety and then could not find them so purchased anew. Found them on the way to Firenze and took both sets to a ticket window in Firenze to explain and ask for a refund. Got an email from Trenitalia yesterday saying refund was approved and funds on the way!

We did Pastamania in the Oltrarno neighborhood of San Frediano. Booked at a discount through Airbnb. It was fine since I took my kids, and was the least expensive option I found just for making pasta. There are seemingly more sophisticated, likely more complex, and definitely more expensive options for classes, but it was a nice memory for the children.

Posted by
69 posts

Sounds like a lovely trip! Thank you for sharing your experiences!

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153 posts

Thank you Dee for some great information - glad you had a wonderful time and the memories to sustain you and your family if we are locked down again. Hope to travel in 2022. Happy Travels.

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31 posts

Hey, Dee------about the digital passenger locator form......

when did you fill it out ... prior to trip? how many days prior?

on the euplf FAQ section, it said to do it "after check-in" and that seems a little nuts.

Please share what you did.

THanks again, Marcus