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Fiumicino changes

Attention people flying through Rome's Fiumicino airport: No need to take out your tablets and laptops from your bags going through security. And you can take wine, water and other liquids with you in your hand baggage. From the Italy daily Repubblica (in Italian):

Una doppia novità al Terminal 1 dell'aeroporto di Fiumicino: i viaggiatori potranno portare, nel bagaglio a mano sull'aereo, anche i liquidi. Dall'acqua ai profumi, passando per i saponi e i vini, senza limiti di quantità. E non è finita: ai controlli si perderà sempre meno tempo perché dalla valigia non bisognerà più tirare fuori gli apparecchi elettronici, come pc o tablet. Si dovrà solo posare lo zaino sotto lo scanner e passare. Niente più code o file chilometriche.

Il motivo? L'utilizzo di una nuova tecnologia - l'EDS C3-Explosive Detection System standard della Smiths Detection - che tramite i raggi X effettua una tomografia computerizzata degli zaini, proiettando sul monitor in pochissimo tempo un'immagine affidabile e precisa del loro contenuto in 3D.

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4777 posts

Here's the translation;

A double novelty at Terminal 1 of Fiumicino airport: travelers will be able to bring, in hand luggage on the plane, also liquids. From water to perfumes, passing through soaps and wines, without quantity limits. And that's not all: at the controls you will lose less and less time because you will no longer have to pull out electronic devices, such as PCs or tablets, from the suitcase. You will only have to put the backpack under the scanner and pass. No more queues or mileage queues.

The reason? The use of a new technology - the EDS C3-Explosive Detection System standard by Smiths Detection - which through X-rays performs a computed tomography of backpacks, projecting on the monitor in a very short time a reliable and precise image of their contents in 3D.

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2267 posts

This is increasingly common in European airports. I seem to recall that the major British airports are under a court ordered deadline to come to this standard.

While some US airports have the equipment in use, DHS/TSA have announced that the policy won't change in the US until the technology is rolled out in all commercial airports. 2025 at the earliest, I think.

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16705 posts

However.....if also depends on the person operating the scanner. Last year in either Stockholm or Helsinki, I forget which, they had this technology.

Every other bag, and I'm not exaggerating, was dinged for further inspection.

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12205 posts

As long as you do not need to go through security at a connecting airport, it is a benefit. Otherwise it could lead to problems.

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3650 posts

Does that mean landing in Rome on the Montreal-Rome flight, and change of plane in FCO to the Palermo flight will be a quicker process than in the past?

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66 posts

Is Terminal 1 the only one that travelers flying from FCO to the US would use?

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211 posts

No, if you flew an American-flagged carrier like American, you'd fly from Terminal 3. ITA, the successor to Alitalia, uses Terminal 1 for both US-bound and local/Euro flights. I haven't gone directly from NY to Palermo in years, so I'm not sure if you have to go through security in Rome.

A general observation: If you're taking off from Fiumicino, it's so much better than it used to be. They've renovated the terminals, so the shopping and food choices, as well as the general look and feel of the airport, is much improved.

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66 posts

Thanks apaonita...Flying United back to US. (I was looking forward to having a bottle of water with me but certainly not a deal breaker!) Looking forward to the improved FCO this Spring!