Hello, My wife and I are planning a 5-night visit to the Amalfi Coast/Sorrento region and we are considering the following itinerary:
Day 1 - Morning flight arrives via Naples. Lunch in Sorrento (leaving bags at hotel where we will be staying on Day 3). Tour Sorrento. Catch evening ferry to Capri. Sleep in Capri.
Day 2 - Tour Capri. See all sights. Sleep in Capri.
Day 3 - Catch morning ferry to Sorrento. Tour Pompeii in afternoon. Dinner and sleep in Sorrento.
Day 4 - Tour Amalfi Coast (sleep in Positano)
Day 5 - Tour Amalfi Coast (sleep in Positano)
Day 6 - Catch early afternoon flight out of Naples
Is this a smart and sensible itinerary? Are there logistical considerations we have overlooked? Any advice is appreciated! Thanks in advance.