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First Time Traveler

Its my first time ever traveling and I really went big by planning a 10 day trip to Italy. Ive posted and gotten so much good advice on here and have adjusted my itinerary until I think I finally got it right. But I am so anxious that i might be missing something or not preparing for something, and then when the trip comes if i encounter problems i would have regret. What else can i do to make sure my trip goes smooth?!?! How do i stop thinking about this trip until it finally happens!!

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22 posts

My First Time was very like your’s. I really worked hard at all the details. But I realized how lucky I was to make the trip at all, and the absolute wonder I felt in seeing Lyon,Arles, Paris, Rouen and the Loire made up for the several snafus that happened.

I hope for you that this first time is so much fun you realize you need to start planning your second one soon!

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15532 posts

The reality of travel is that there may be things that could go "wrong." Most of these are out of your control so there really is no need to worry about it. Worry will not make it better.

Concentrate on all the fun you're going to have and the great adventures.

Then, if something should not go as planned, don't panic. You have researched plenty and will find a way around it.

As for missing something, have you planned every second of the day or have you left some time should something come up you'd like to experience?

Posted by
874 posts

I think the best general advice on the site is here:

  • Expect problems and tackle them creatively
  • Head off screwups before they happen
  • Don't be a creative worrier

Be realistic about how much you can do, assume you'll come back and most importantly "Be fanatically positive and militantly optimistic." to quote Rick.

The reality is you can only be good at something after getting some practice at it so your first time will have issues and mistakes that you will later shake your head at. But the only way to get more practice and to find out what you really like is to do it and then do it again.

Prep and planning is great but don't try to control things you can't or worry too much about everything that might happen.
Have a great trip!

Posted by
421 posts

We have traveled a lot and I love to plan. But even on our trip now I have made mistakes. Lost a phone charger. Booked the train tickets backwards. Brought the wrong sunglasses. But well s&$t happens. And we survived. So far.

Posted by
799 posts

This is your first international trip, yes?

You will develop travel skills as you go along, but to get a head start you might watch YouTube videos on topics such as riding trains in Italy, how to navigate the airports and train stations, Italian street food, etc.

Do you speak a foreign language? Learning some basic Italian will help in your daily interactions with people, but also for reading menus, signs, etc. Study the phrases in the RS guidebook. Look for YouTube videos by Kylie Flavell - how to order coffee at a bar, etc. - and videos by the Global Expats - this will give you insight on what it's like to navigate on a daily basis.

Have you studied Italian road signs and traffic laws - I believe you're renting a car?

Take the advice cited in the post by hiredman above to heart. Be open to new experiences, and to people. Enjoy the moment, and don't be disappointed if you don't see every single thing on your itinerary.

Posted by
2212 posts

I've been to Europe more than 20 times, planning all the trips myself. I still get nervous a couple of weeks before the trip, but that all goes away once I get on the plane. You've received a lot of good suggestions. Another one is that, if needed, you can always access this travel forum while you're over there to have questions answered!

Posted by
4986 posts

Janet, you just made a great point, thanks for that!