My husband and I will be travelling lat June to Italy for approximately 14 days. We prefer not to be on a tour but go to each City and take tours as we go. Is this an recommended method to tour Italy.
Our itinerary is as follows:
FLy into to Venice - 3 days
Train to Florence
FLorence Tuscany - 3 days
Train to Naples
Amafli Coast 3 days
Train to Rome
Rome - 3 days
I have visited with two different travel agents. One recommended the above itinerary flying into Venice and out of Rome. The second said the commute to Rome would take a half day by train and recommended flying out of Naples.
1. Fly out of Naples or Rome? If Naples we would switch and travel to Rome then Naples
2. Is it possible to see Italy at a comfortable pace with this 14 day itinerary?
3. Does this forum have specific recommendations for tours for each City.
4. Any other suggestions for first time travelers to Italy with 14-15 days max.
Thanks in advance.