I am planing to be in Florence on August 12th, 13th and 14th. I want to visit the following museums.
I know I need to make reservations in advance for the Accademia, Uffizi and to climb the duomo:
San Marco
Medici Chapels
Duomo Museum
Climb the Duomo
Palazzo Vecchio
I could buy the Accademia, Duomo climb and Uffizi (with reservations) and just buy the other tickets while I am there at the moment I am going to visit. The total will come about 85 Euros, and for sure I will have a spot for the Duomo, OR I could buy the Firenze card (85 Euros) BUT you can't book in advance a reservation for the Duomo climb, only you can reserve in person.
I am really debating what would be my best choice. Is the Firenze card really useful to skip the line at the other museums? is it worth it in this case considering the crowds and the dates I am visiting (middle of August)?. Should I get the Firenze card and hope to get a reservation once I am there? . Am I better of just booking the main three on line and buying tickets for the others?
I would really appreciate your advice.