"Good day!
My wife and I (34 and 30) have finally book a flight to Italy on October 2018.
Here are the details of the proposed trip:
-7 1/2 days to spend (Arriving in Florence noon on a Friday and leaving from Florence at 10AM on Saturday, so I pretty much count Saturday out)
-Flying Into and Out of Florence.
-Spend 2-3 days in Florence
-2 days in Venice
-Possibly 3 days in the Umbria region or similar (Small town, Italian Countryside)
I need help on:
1. What is the most efficient order of travelling between the 3 places? Any suggestion on other Italian countryside we should consider?
2. Best mode of transportation in getting to and going around? I am considering in renting a car in the countryside, are there any car rental places near the train stations?
3. Any other 8 day itinerary suggestions are very welcome.
Thank you!"