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Fine received for non-payment of Autostrada toll

We received a 78E fine for non-payment of a motorway toll.
The date listed on the ticket is September 7, 2017. We were there in July of 2017. The location is correct.
The collecting service is from NiviCredit. Has anyone heard of this company?

I have not heard from or tried to contact the rental car company as yet.

Thanks for any information...

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4162 posts

Were you there on July 9, 2017? It would be written 09.07.2017

Posted by
21765 posts

They are the company that the Autostrada and Trenitalia outsources their fine collections.

Apparently the license plate of your rental car was photographed going through a toll station without paying. Autostrada searched the plates and identified them as belonging to the rental car company you rented from. Then they asked who the car was rented to on that day, and the rental car company gave them your contact information. So the rental car company has nothing to do with it.

As was pointed out, Europeans write dates differently than we do. They use the more logical Day/Month/Year method rather than the American Month/Day/Year method. So if it was written 9/7/2017, that is July 9, 2017.

Posted by
41 posts

Yes, the date is correct! thank you.
and thank you for verifying the company!
so helpful!

Posted by
8168 posts

You are likely to find a circa $35 credit card fee from the rental company, for their administrative service to the authorities.

Posted by
34630 posts

How do you not pay a toll? Just drive through the barrier? Honestly - I'm confused. How can you do it?

Posted by
248 posts

Apparently there wasn't a physical barrier or gate at the toll both--that's now common in the US.

Posted by
3812 posts

How do you not pay a toll? Just drive through the barrier? Honestly - I'm confused. How can you do it?

You pass through the yellow TelePass lanes instead of using those with the sign of an hand holding some money.

Most Telepass lanes have no barriers anymore, just a traffic light. The old-style lanes "think" that the transponder must be broken, open the gate to avoid crashes and take the a pic of the plate number. It's cheaper than buying a new bar anytime a tourist enters the network.

Since Swiss drivers are notorious for not paying tolls in Italy and then ignoring registered letters, Autostrade must have finally hired a company used to work out of EU.