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Finding Cicchetti Bars in Venice

I'm just curious as to how to find/identify Cicchetti Bars in Venice? I've traveled all over Italy so I'm aware of the bar concept over there vs here in the states, but how do you identify them vs a normal bar that serves sandwiches, drinks, coffee, etc.

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3313 posts

Rick has recommendations in his book. But part of the fun is wandering around finding them on your own. Start early - 5:00 or so. Poke your head in little bars you'll see especially around the squares. If you see an array of dishes with small snacks or bowls of food behind a counter, you've found one. It's really the array of food you're looking for. Once you get good at spotting them, try several.

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129 posts

yes check rick's book ...i also enjoyed just walking around and "running" into them...quite abundant...some have signs...some don't...some you can just tell... i also recommend going on the the cicchetti bar crawl with alejandro schezzini that rick mentions in his book...he's an interesting guy with great local insight and some great food and wine to boot...