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Finalizing plans for 11 day trip-help with lodging?

Greetings. Can anyone provide a link to a site that shows the location of the train stations through the CT? We're looking for lodging within easy walking distance from the train stations, not too fussy about which town.

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11833 posts

These towns are tiny so there is not a great distance to trains. Corneglia is up on a bluff so you would need to climb a lot of stairs up to it.

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11891 posts

Use Google Maps and zoom in to see the station icon. As Suki said, they are all so tiny. In Manarola you walk thru a tunnel (described well in RS guide) but it is level. In Corniglia there is a shuttle so you do not have to hike the stairs. 😉

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19 posts

We just recently stayed in Monterosso in the Old Town - it is the largest of the villages and has the most options for dining, lodging. If we returned i would stay there again.. If you are most concerned about closeness to trains in Monterosso, the train station is in the newer part of town. But Old Town is only about 10 minute walk through the tunnel. With LARGE suitcases that may be trying but with caarry ons not so bad we did it without problems . We liked the Old town better but the newer part is also good. Be prepared for stairs anywhere in all five towns.. Don't know of sites that show the train stations but the villages are so small nothing more than a 10 minute walk (excluding any stairs you may have to climb). If you are doing AirBNB I'd ask host how far from station and if there are many stairs.... You CAN get by with a carry on suitcase and backpack - we did it and - i just learned to pack light .. Enjoy!!