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Festivals/farmers markets in Italy in May

Are there any festivals or markets that occur during May? Do hill towns have farmers markets on certain days of the week? Is there anything in May that we should not miss ? We are just in the planning stages, but wondering if May is just too early for any real festivals.

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1003 posts

Pretty much every town in italy has a market day. there's everything from fruits and veggies to local specialties, prepared foods and sometimes even clothes and old tchochkes. If you enjoy going to farmers markets at home (I go to mine every Sunday) i'm sure you will enjoy an Italian market or two. It's my understanding that in the same general area, a lot of the same people go from one to the other, similar to how it works here in SoCal too. Since you say hill town I assume you're talking about Tuscany? Here's a site that has the sagre (festivals) coming up in that region. Don't see much in May but the fried one can't be bad ;) also check out May is the time of the Giro d'Italia so while not a typical food festival, it's something unique.

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3112 posts

On May 15 Gubbio celebrates Festa dei Ceri, as it has every May 15 for the last 700+ years. Schedule, videos from past years and more can be found at I went in 2009 and really enjoyed it. You'll be hard pressed to find a more real Italian festival in May.