We are traveling from Spain to Italy and don't want to fly. Trains? Ferries? suggestions?
Depends where in Italy. Depends how much time you have to be in Italy.
From Barcelona....
Train to Rome....14-15 hours with 3-4 changes.
Ferry to Rome....20 hours
Flying to Rome...Priceless......2 hours
There are some great, short-term cruises that go from Barcelona to Rome (Civitavecchia).
Here's a 3-night one on Norwegian.
Here's a 3-night one on MSC.
Here's a 4-nighter on MSC.
Here's another 4-nighter on MSC with a different itinerary.
We are using a similar strategy next year to get from London to Berlin - taking a 2-night Cunard cruise from Southampton to Hamburg. Very excited about it, as it will be 2 full days of relaxing and fun on the cruise ship, with the added benefit of transport from one place to the next.