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Ferry schedule Sorrento (or Naples) to Positano in May

Hello. On May 6, 2025, we plan to travel by train from Florence to Sorrento and hope to take the ferry from Sorrento to Positano that same day. How late do the ferries run that time of year? The schedule is not up yet for then. It looks like the train from Florence to Sorrento takes about 4 1/2 hours, and we plan to leave Florence around noon. Will we have time to get a ferry in Sorrento?

Would we be better off taking the train from Florence to Naples and then taking the ferry from Naples to Positano?

Thanks for any advice you can give!

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378 posts may not go to May but you could find out the ferry companies that run the AC and see when they start their summer service if they do not run all year long as some do. You could also contact them directly. If you do not get any answers before November 1, I will be there and see able getting an answer. Just let me know.