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Ferry from Positano to sorrento

Looking for information to travel by ferry from Positano to Srrento for the day. Suggestions ?

I want to leave in the early morning and the only ferry service I find leaves late morning. Are there other options or just one ferry company?


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55 posts

We were there last week and the ferry from Positano to Sorrento ran at 12:40 and 3:40. We wound up taking a ferry to Amalfi and the bus back to Sorrento (queue up early for that!). You might have better luck taking the bus to sorrento and ferrying back.

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15827 posts

The only ferries I'm seeing from Positano to Sorrento are Alicost at 12:00 and 16:55.

It's possible that a couple more runs might be added a little later in the season* but I wouldn't bet on it. My guess is that more tourists travel to Positano from Sorrento than the other way around. As Bill stated, your best bet is probably to take a bus to Sorrento and a ferry back.

The bus schedule is here ( Autolinea- AMALFI - POSITANO - SORRENTO). Looks like the first run (from Positano Chiesa Nuova) is at 7:10.

  • shows a route from Positano to Sorrento but no schedule so I'm not sure if they eliminated that run or don't operate it until, say, end of June or beginning of July.