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Family of Four Lake Como or Venice?

Hi - I am planning out this trip in Italy. We are four travelers (2 x teenagers)

Rome (4 nights) - arrival from US

Florence (3 nights) -- day trip to Pisa as part of the plan.

Now, this is the part I am wondering do I take the train from Florence to Varenna for one night or do the two night stay in Milan with a day trip. A challenge is finding hotels for four in one room.

Milan (2 nights)--day tip to Como (Varenna) and depart from Milan. Choose Milan to have more options to fly out for remainder of trip to Europe.

The other option is just not do Milan/Lake Como and do Venice. We have to fly out to London so I see options from Venice.


Posted by
7057 posts

Welcome to the forum!
When is this trip?

We are four travelers (2 x teenagers)

Unclear if you mean 4 teenagers? I guess family of four means 2 adults, 2 teens- but need to be clear.

If trip is this year/season your challenge might be to find lodgings at all in Varenna. But, I would not travel all that way for just 1 night. It will take a good portion of that day just to get there.
You'll need to decide on your departure city before you decide on much else. Then see what lodgings are available that suit your budget.
If you choose Venice, it's a direct fast train so you'll get more time in location there then you would if you try to go all the way to Varenna. Make sure your flight OUT of Venice is not too early in am- 11 am or later is fine- as it's difficult/expensive to get to the airport that early.

Finding one room for 4 is going to also be a challenge as most hotels in Italy just don't have that space/bed set up.

Use Booking. com- set the filters for your needs and see what's available. You can book there or find the actual hotel website and book direct.
Booking. com also lists apartment so you might consider that option.

Posted by
1048 posts

Hello junaid.iqbal, and welcome to the forum!

I would never recommend staying one night anywhere unless it is for travel logistics reasons like getting to a town to fly out then next day. You will have one short day after a train trip and checking into a place and then a short day the next day checking out. And especially someplace that is supposed to be about soaking up the beauty and relaxing this is not a relaxing schedule.

Personally I would always choose Venice over Milan every time. Venice is a unique city in the world while Milan is a large, business oriented city with some unique sites - at least that's how I see it but you mileage may vary.

I will point out Rome, Florence, Venice is the classic first trip to Italy for a lot of people for good reasons so I don't think you'll go wrong. My only advice is avoid very early morning flights out of Venice because the logistics of getting to airport are unique like the city itself.

Have a great trip,

Posted by
15899 posts

I would spend the two nights in Venice and go to London from Venice. I would definitely prefer to see Venice than Milan.

Also I don’t like one nighters as a lot of time gets wasted in the hotel transfers (check in unpack repack checkout, repeat).

If you could do the reverse itinerary (VENICE>FLORENCE>ROME) it would even be preferable since the Venice airport is not near the city, so if your flight to London is early in the morning you need to wake up at zero dark thirty.

Posted by
33 posts

Unless you have an early flight, I would suggest you stay in Varenna for two nights and take the train to Malpensa on the day of your flight. I'm going to Lake Como solo in two months and staying in Varenna. I would guess your teenagers would enjoy it more than Milan. I'm renting a boat for four hours to cruise the lake on my own. This would be a great family outing and not as expensive as you might think. I'm using Rent a Boat Varenna who has great reviews. They can give you suggested routes and instructions on how to run the boat if you don't have experience.

Posted by
5153 posts

I would skip Milian and Lake Cumo. Milan, as some one mentioned, is basically a large city even though it does have certain appeals. Lake Cumo, while beautiful, is still just a lake. Venice, on the other hand is one of the most unique places in Europe. My suggestion is to spend three nights Rome, Florence, and Venice.

Posted by
11747 posts

We have to fly out to London so I see options from Venice.

Is London your destination or the connection point for onward travel?

If the former, you have more choices for flight times that do not require a 3AM wake up.

do I take the train from Florence to Varenna for one night or do the two night stay in Milan with a day trip. ( to Varenna?)

I see that as a choice that has you spending an inordinate amount of time 'traveling' vs 'being there'.

I think the 2 nights in Venice would be better than the Milan/Lake Como scramble

My $0.02

Posted by
20 posts

Thank you for the feedback, seems overwhelmingly the response is choose Venice for two nights.

London is a stop before our return back to the US. I am looking for two nights in London before return trip back.

Now, I just need to identify a hotel in Venice that can accommodate 4 in a room.

Posted by
20 posts

I did want to ask how feasible it is to stay in Murano and then travel to Venice?

The reason I ask is the fare for hotels there are cheaper. The Venice hotel options I see start going into JW Marriott, St. Regis, etc. territory with JW being most accommodating for four people in a room for price.

Posted by
1048 posts

Staying in Murano and visiting Venice is turning things around but should be doable - it's like staying in a smaller town outside the large town. Murano is connected to Venice via the Vaporetto (water bus) so you'll need to take that back and forth to the city proper.
Lines 3, 4.1 or 4.2 go back and forth between Murano and Venice but the 4.2 is probably the best for getting to the most famous spots. But you can get off anywhere once you hit the main island since walking and exploring Venice is one if the great experiences.

If you stay in Murano take the Alilaguna from the airport directly to Murano. The Blu and Rossa lines should both run from the airport to Murano. They stop slightly different places in Murano - the Rossa is more central.

Check out the costs for vaporetto passes and the airport to Murano is like 15e (27e roundtrip I think) so if you're staying Murano to save money make sure you're not going to spend the difference on vaporetto tickets. Unless you're big walkers you probably end up taking vaporettos around anyway so maybe it doesn't make a difference but with 4 people those costs will add up if everyone is going everywhere together.

Venice is amazing, have a great trip!

Posted by
20 posts

Thank you so much for that information.

Lastly, I saw several responses here not to take an early flight out of Marco Polo and I assume it's to avoid the hassle. Now the prices of the tickets from 6am to 8am is quite reasonable but the 12:30pm is about 3 to 4x times more expensive. I booked the 12:30pm but am questioning myself whether I should just go for the one at 8am departure or if that will be hassle for the family, not sure how soon I would have to arrive for a international flight and just logistics that early in the morning.

Posted by
11747 posts

Venice to London requires passport control processing to exit the Schengen zone, so for an 8AM flight you should be at the airport by 530 ( at the latest), and if you have bags to check a bit earlier wouldn't hurt.

You really want to get up around 330AM, to shower, dress, finish packing and start the trek to the airport?

Posted by
33577 posts

regarding your last question, especially if you stick with the Murano idea.

Taking an early flight from Venice is a perennial bugbear here on the Forums, and I can remember that it has always been a bugbear over the nearly 20 years I've been active here...

The problems are two. Venice - except for the industrial areas of Mestre and Maghera on the mainland - is a collection of islands, and Murano is an isolated island, so boats or bridges become critical to get to the airport which is on the mainland northwest of the islands. The other problem is that early flights at the airport are really truly early.

Oh, and there are no hotels at the airport, some nearby but none on the airport.

Boats don't move very fast. Scenic (if your eyes are open after getting up at 2 or 3 in the morning), but goodness it will be early.

If you were on the main islands, in one of the six regions of Venice, your choices are a lot more than if on a remote island like Murano. On the main islands, you can make your way, no matter how early, on foot or by Night Vaporetto to Piazzale Roma where you can catch an inexpensive dedicated bus for the short trip over the causeway to the airport, or take a normal land taxi. Or you can take a private water taxi (€€€) from a hotel with a private dock to the airport, or an Alilaguna boat (by many miles not my favourite, I really dislike them) for the slow boat ride to the airport.

On Murano you can only get to the airport by boat. Conceivably you could take a daytime vaporetto to P.le Roma and do as above, but those daytime vaporettos to P.le Roma won't get you to the airport in time for an early flight.

Realistically, on Murano, you will be limited to private water taxi (€€€) or Alilaguna.

So your savings, if any, from staying on Murano and travelling to the main islands for everything, may well be eroded by the inconvenience and expense. Taking an easy bus from P.le Roma is only €5 or so plus your existing vaporetto pass.

Some of this might be easier and somewhat less expensive if you stay on Murano and take a later flight so you can take a daytime vaporetto to P.le Roma and then the bus.

Posted by
20 posts

Thank you very much for that info. I've decided to just leave the departure at noon.

I did run into one issue today due to not paying attention on the initial arrival at Rome. Apparently my arrival is basically 9am on a Tuesday when initially I thought it would be a Monday - complete mistake on my part. That leaves me with one less day in the overall trip.

Would you recommend 3 nights in Rome or 4 nights? I had kept it initially at 4 nights to take advantage of a hotel promotion. I will have to restart that booking process again it seems.

Florence in the original schedule was 3 nights as well and then 2 nights in Venice as I shared here.

Would appreciate the inputs.

Posted by
11747 posts

What is the agenda for Rome?

You now have 2 full days and the jet-lagged half day of your arrival to do Rome.

With 8 nights total for Italy, 4-2-2 ( Rome-Florence-Venice) needs serious consideration, vs 3-3-2.

Really depends on what you want to see at each location on how to split the days/nights.

Posted by
20 posts

joe32F - to be honest, it's all being decided and really will have to be main tourist sites. Now my wife does want to see Pisa so I want to factor that in there somehow. I do have to modify hotels but I'm fine making adjustments as needed. My thought was similar for Rome being 4 nights, 2 nights in florence with squeezing in a half day trip to Pisa, and then 2 nights in venice.


Posted by
570 posts

Two nights in Venice, probably one whole day and two evenings, will be considerably less when the travel time from and to Murano is considered. Have you factored that in?
Just my thoughts.
I love Venice. Enjoy your visit!

Posted by
7057 posts

How do you plan to squeeze in Pisa with only 2 nights in Florence?
It will take the entire morning to get from Rome to Florence-which leaves you a half day there
Next morning you head to Pisa -that will take most of your day-maybe you get back to Florence by 2 pm if you get an early start and zip thru the Pisa sights
That leaves you another partial day in Florence

I suppose you could see Pisa on your way to Florence which would be more efficient
Take train to Pisa from Rome -store luggage at station-see the sights then travel on to Florence
That would at least give you a FULL day in Florence

Since your trip is now only 8 nights I suggest you skip Florence completely
Spend 4 or 5 nights in Rome-take a day trip to Orvieto
Then Venice 3-4 nights

A 2 night stay only gives you 1.5 days of sightseeing

Posted by
20 posts

Yeah I think i jumped the purchase of the flight from Venice, regardless that can't be changed at all due to the various cancellation fees.

I do know the entry is in Rome and exit is in Venice.

Both my wife and I went to Italy 20 years ago, except this time are going with teenagers who have not been.

Main goal is focus on the key tourist sites.

Posted by
20 posts

Also, to help my travel situation - I will be changing from Murano to be closer to the main island - looking for hotels that can fit family of four. Thanks1

Posted by
570 posts

Possibly two hotel rooms, one parent with each teenager? You probably won't be spending much time in the room anyway.

Posted by
7057 posts

Hotel Ala has some “ family rooms”
Don’t know what your budget is

I suggested above that you use use the filters to find rooms that work for you

Posted by
20 posts

Thanks for Venice, I was able to book Hilton Stucky hotel - i know its not main island but was able to find a competitive rate.

Now just deciding if 4-2-2 (4 night rome, 2 florence, 2 venice) is the route to go or 3-3-2 (3 night rome, 3 night florence, 2 venice)

Posted by
16409 posts

I've been over this thread a dozen times and still can't see if it's been shared what the exact arrival/departure dates in Italy are for this trip. They must be in stone as flights have been scheduled? Am I missing that info? It's of concern because of this:

Joe's question: What is the agenda for Rome?
Your reply, joogle: be honest, it's all being decided and really will have to be main tourist sites.

Your agenda is important as many of the main tourist attraction require advance, timed-entry tickets. You can't just rock up to them and get in just any ol' time at your leisure. Tickets for the biggies can also sell out very quickly in advance of high season...which is when I suspect you're going but again, what are your dates?. There are also days the biggest attractions are closed which can make 2-night/one-day stays an issue if that one day is when an attraction you wish to see is shuttered.

So it's more than nailing down how many days in ___ and where to stay, it's what you want to see and what you have to do to get inside the doors, if doors are involved.

Posted by
20 posts

Kathy - this is a late planned trip the travel dates for arrival are July 30 and exit is August 7.

Well I think on the Vatican tickets I just checked they are sold out with only date open seeming that Saturday but that would end up being a lengthier trip in Rome unless I find some other way those Vatican tickets are sold.

Edit: I'll just have to buy a tour for the tickets it seems from a 3rd party.

Posted by
16409 posts

Edit: I'll just have to buy a tour for the tickets it seems from a 3rd

Yep, it looks that way. Tickets on the Vatican's own website for this month and next likely sold out quite some time ago. You can stand in line to get them if you have time - and that line can be really long; preferably later in day if you must - but you don't have time to do that and your teenagers would hate all that standing around anyway. If it's just too much $$/hassle, get in line for St. Peter's (free) either before the opening hour or later in the day and skip the museums.

Anyway, not to throw cold water on your trip plans (!!!) but you're seeing just one example about a last-minute, high-season trip presenting a few more complexities/costly pitfalls than maybe you'd bargained for. Fortunately, Rome is full of treasures more easily accessed, if they appeal.

For tours conducted by some outside companies other forum posters have used, check these:*3dgafv*_up*MQ..&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIv5yio8KShwMV9A-tBh2SkwUgEAAYASAAEgIhYvD_BwE

I don't recommend booking ANY tour with any 3rd party or tour company that includes the underground of the Colosseum. There have been way too many reported last-minute cancellations of those due to inability of those 3rd parties/outside companies being unable to get the tickets themselves. I'm seeing some recent complaints about cancelled tours of the Vatican purchased through 3rd-party Get Your Guide too.

This is the official ticketing site for the Colosseum (and which is acting sort of wonky for me today):

Posted by
20 posts

Thank you Kathy, appreciate the insights.

The more I'm giving it thought I think I will probably stay aligned with 3 nights Rome, 3 nights Florence, and 2 nights Venice.

My wife really wants to go to Pisa as we did not 20 years ago - I suspect I can pair that day in Pisa for her with a trip to the Outlet Mall which I've heard is closer to Florence.

I'm researching the tour companies, thank you for the links. There are some Rome tourist cards on Tiqets and some other sites that seems to offer some pairings together of tickets which makes it quite appealing but will need to research their reliability

Posted by
16409 posts

Tourist cards: read the fine print closely as advance reservations to the biggies are still mandatory with most of them. And please don't purchase the overpriced Rome Omnia card. Understand as well that your under-18 teenagers are free at all Italian National Museums (read about entry conditions for each individual museum on their websites). This does not apply to most tours, however.

For Florence's national museums, this is the ticketing site:

Posted by
10 posts

Hi. I would suggest Milan as getting around Venice can be a little more complicated but especially pricey. Even bus (aka boats) tickets are double if not three times the cost. And since you are 4 and I am assuming haven't been to Milan either, you could start there. Then do Venice next time.

I always prefer and suggest longer stays as they give you the time to appreciate the place.

Corner Duomo Hotel and IH Milano Centrale have those kind of rooms:

I hope this helps you.

Posted by
7057 posts

Although I’d agree with above advice now about Milan-I believe OP is locked into Venice now as nonrefundable flights have been booked