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Fall Mosquitos in Venice

Will mosquitos be a problem in Venice September 14-28 if we open our window? My hubby and I are staying @ Foresteria Valdese a RS recommended place but no air conditioning!

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1201 posts

In a word, probably. You might luck out, but the little critters will still be out and about. We were in Venice last year at the same time and they were there.

If there is not a lot of standing water breeding grounds in the area where you are staying, they may be less of a problem. But if there is a drain around somewhere with standing water, you'll probably be looking for the mosquito coils.

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712 posts

Interesting, I was worried about the same thing last Sept for our visit. We rented a houseboat on the lagoons for a week and then stayed in Venice 2 nights and I never saw a mosquito. I had bought the cloths you wipe on to repel mosquitos. I never had to use them and gave them to a lady from Australia who wanted them for when she got home. I had posed the same question on this help line, and some one who had lived in the Venice had suggested Skin so Soft. Anyway, I never saw a mosquito in Venice the end of Sept 2007.

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712 posts

I looked in my back messages and this is the reply from Susan...... .Her reply was " We were in Venice in April so no mosquitos then but noticed the electric zapper in our room at La Calcina. I would go prepared--for our Scotland trip (midgies there) we bought Deep Woods Off wipes which worked great. Have a great trip! BTW, we got those wipes at Home Depot."

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123 posts

How about mosquitoes in October? Will there still be active little critters then? I hadn't thought to worry about mosquitoes, but perhaps I should get some wipes to be prepared. Any ideas?


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705 posts

Mossies are a way of life for us. Kind of you Marie to give your wipes away. One thing that we are constantly being told here is to use a product that contains DEET (not sure of the full chemical name)to be really effective. That may not apply to European mozzies but maybe something to keep in mind.