I will be visiting Italy in a few weeks :)!, and spending four nights in Ravenna. I plan to devote one day to visiting Faenza, primarily for the International Ceramics Museum. On the days I can go, it is only open from 10:00 to 1:30, so I'll have the afternoon and early evening to explore the town. Certainly, I can just wander and browse, as I love to do, but was wondering whether anyone had specific suggestions of a particularly great sight or sights. Thanks!
Crickets - ah, well. Looks like I'll be a Faenza touring pioneer - I'll report back.
I was hoping someone else would respond. I remember some attractive architecture in the historic area of Faenza, but I didn't go to any "sight" other than the ceramics museum. I thought I might encounter some ceramic shops, but my timing wasn't good and nothing was open during my visit. On one of my two trips to Faenza there were some ceramics on display in the tourist office, so it's worth popping in there if you have a moment. I think the map I was given by the T.O. showed some ceramic shops, but as I said, none were open.
Definitely check TripAdvisor to see whether there's something useful there.
My experience was similar to acraven. I enjoyed the ceramics museum but found the shops mostly closed the day I was there. I enjoyed a stroll through the town but didn't see any other "sights".
We loved the ceramics museum and spent several hours there. Ceramics shops were open and we visited several and bought cups and bowls. Unfortunately, we spent most of our day in Faenza at a dentist due to a sudden bad toothache. Try not to do that.
Thanks for the responses. Bummer about the teeth, Nancy! As for Faenza, I'm really looking forward to the Ceramics Museum, and will take the rest as it comes.
Haven't been, but brother does ceramics so I looked to pass on info.
Did find that Tuesday is a market day, which may give you another activity if it fits your plan.
Good to know - thanks, Gerri!