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FAA approved wine luggage

Anyone have experience bringing back wine from Italy? Hitting the Tuscany region and would like to bring a couple bottles back. Any suggestions on luggage that has made the trip safely back as checked luggage?

Posted by
15532 posts

You can check out either the Bottle Armor or the Vinni Bag.

And remember, whichever bag you put it in has to be checked as you can't carry that much wine of the plane.

Posted by
4105 posts


Have just returned from Italy this past week.

Had no trouble bringing back 5 bottles of wine,

and 3 bottles of olive oil.

First pack a colapsable bag. Use as a carry on

on the return trip, packed with anything that won't

fit once you have the wine in your suitcase.

The key is to pack them in plastic bags, tape

with packing tape, roll up in your clothes then

again in plastic bags.

Make sure everything is cushioned on top and bottom

and both sides.

Another suggestion...check out the Coop and Epercoop

grocery stores for your wine selection. Many great

table wines can be bought for under 5,ooE.

TSA regulations state you can bring back up to

a certain dollar amount,so make sure to save your


Have a great trip!!!

Posted by
74 posts

Carrying back wine is always a fun experience. On our last trip to Napa we had to purchase 2 extra suitcases, checked 2 each, and carryed on 1 (with clothes, not wine of course). Never had a bottle break (tapping on wood right now, we're headed to Italy in 2 weeks and plan to bring back quite a bit of wine!).

This is our plan:

We are taking 2 carry on suitcases and 2 large suitcases. All our clothes are packed in the carryons. Once we get to Italy, at least for the beginning we will be placing the carry on inside of the larger suitcase, so only 2 to haul around. We will have a car, BTW. Doing all this hauling around w/ train travel, I'd probably come up with another solution.

Anyway, for the 2 large suitcases I have packed grocery bags full of popcorn packing materal, as well as a pile of bubble wrap, and a roll of duct tape. As we travel around (we are going to Sorrento/Amalfi region and plan to purchase Limoncello, then Tuscany region where we hope to purchase around 20 bottles of wine), we'll be wrapping things up first in the bubble wrap, then in clothing, and finally buffering them with the peanuts.

Coming home from Napa, we also used the styrofoam wine carriers, which were GREAT but for some dumb reason we didn't keep them (or at least, I can't find them). In those 4 checked bags (back when checking 2 each was free), we carried home about 45 bottles of wine.

Good luck and just remember to package each bottle separately and be sure it is well cushioned on all sides!

Posted by
15532 posts

It's not TSA that makes the rules on how much you can bring back, it's U.S. Customs.

Every traveler over 21 can bring back one liter of alcohol duty free. After that, you pay a 3% duty on any amount over that. (Keep your receipts.)

You must also check the state laws of the where you'll be entering the U.S. to see if the state limits how much alcohol you can bring in. If you try to bring in more than the state allows, it will be confiscated.

Bringing Alcohol into the U.S.. (Scroll down for the section on alcohol.)

BTW--Massachusetts has very strict laws when it comes to bringing alcohol into the state--even for personal use. I believe it's 3 gallons of wine. But you better check.

Posted by
255 posts

We just figured in the cost of shipping wine home as part of our vacation expenses since we were travelling by train. Went to a great place in Florence for a wine tasting and ended up shipping home a case of wine. Cost about $150. Such a shame. Back in the "good old days", we took a trip to France when we had a rental car and brought back about 20 bottles in carryons. When we went through customs, I declared all of it. Customs guy just waved us through and didn't assess us any additional fees.

Posted by
74 posts

Speaking of customs, yes we will certainly declare it all, keep receipts, and expect to pay the customs fees if need be. That way, it'll just be a bonus if they don't charge us!!

Judy- $150 just for shipping?? We thought about shipping wine home instead, but that seems quite restrictive!! I guess we might end up doing that if we buy a case (or half a case) of REALLY excellent wine to cellar. Then it'd be worth it for the peace of mind.

Posted by
769 posts

Your local wine store can get you the 3x or 2x styro boxes. Still a good idea to bring lots of big zip lock bags and a bit of buttlewrap and take to be safe. But id add this comment. Unless youre getting something very special that cant be found here in the US from a great wine store in SF, NY, LA etc... even shipped id say drink and enjoy as much there. I admit its fun to try great local wines for 5-10 Euros we wont get here and you dont have to worry about tax for cheap ones! But its just a logistics thing to consider. Too bad we cant take back the Procuito and dry meats!

Posted by
32241 posts


You might check as they have some padded wine carriers in the catlogue. Some of these are supposedly "leak proof".

I brought back some Wine last year and had the bottles inside sealed plastic bags (helps to travel with Duct Tape!) and well wrapped in clothing. The bottles arrived intact!
