For those that have missed travel planning, and now that we can travel within Italy, anyone up to the challenge of planning one of our trips so we can steal ideas? Looking for backdoor gems along with some RS recommendations we haven’t seen before.
A couple days ago I posted on Rick Steves Facebook group and were given a lot of great suggestions.
RS Facebook post
Here are the perimeters: small villages or small cities; accessible by train (no car rental); traveling with our Labrador, Barley, so dog activities a plus= water, Hiking, and parks. Use Milan as a starting/ending point (we are 1 1/2 hour from Milan by train).
We like an occasional museum, beautiful churches, architecture, history, food, wine, people watching and just exploring and getting lost amongst the narrow the lanes and stairs in any village, and of course scenery. We’d mostly stay in dog friendly apartments, with an occasional hotel. No one night stands, 2-3 nights unless destination is good spot for short day trips (less than 60 minutes one way). Average nightly lodging budget €100. Breaking up long train rides with a couple night stop. For the most part would wing it and not reserve much in advance, except a few long train rides for Supersaver fares.
Here’s our preliminary trip ideas with just a few places, but open to any additions and alternatives. Things to do, places to see, restaurants, and lodging suggestions welcome.
1) Torino, Alba (wine tasting), Cinque Terre, Ligurian Coast. CT should be crowd free on June 3rd.
10-12 day trip. (We visited Torino for Xmas in 2018)
2) Modena, Ravenna, Padua and other places in between. (Already been to Bologna and Verona)
2 weeks
3) Le Marche, Umbria- Perugia, Assisi, Orvieto, Spoleto to name a few towns. We’ve seen a lot of Tuscany, but may add a couple Tuscan villages to the trip as we understand dogs are allowed on buses.
2 + weeks
Looking forward to see what everyone comes up with.