My wife and I are visiting Italy for our honeymoon in December, and we are looking forward to taking advantage of the quieter off-season mood - and the holiday spirit - in Florence, Rome, and Tuscany around Christmas. We've booked stays in Florence and Rome at the beginning and end of our time and have left 3-4 nights in the middle to rent a car and explore "the heart of Tuscany." We would like to experience some of the beautiful towns such as Volterra, Montalcino, and perhaps one or more of the hot springs in the Val d'Orcia.
In light of the weather (including the short days) this time of the year and the holidays and the decreased flow of tourists perhaps affecting businesses' and sites' hours, we're trying to decide whether to do one or a combination of the following:
- Station ourselves at one B&B/agriturismo in the countryside and plan to take day trips to different small towns for the duration of the time
- Station ourselves at one hotel/inn in a town and plan to take day trips, similar to above just keeping a more central location with an eye towards limited daylight
- Town-hop, spending a day and night at different hotels/inns/B&Bs in a series of towns
- (Could be combined with any of the above) Plan to return the car in Rome and drive from Tuscany to Rome by way of a night in Assisi
Anything here seem like an especially good (or especially bad) idea? We would love any and all experienced winter travelers' recommendations!