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I would like to know exactly how a ZTL permit is acquired in Italy and under what conditions. When one is renting a car, for example, upon arriving in Rome, and then drives to a hotel within the limited access (ZTL)area, how does one obtain and display the permit? If the hotel fails to notify the police, who is responsible for a ZTL traffic violation?

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1223 posts

The only way that I know of to be permitted into ZTL areas as a tourist is if you are staying within the ZTL. As noted in the replies to your other post: If you are driving to a hotel that is within a ZTL, you should contact the hotel and they will notify the proper authorities with your vehicle information. There is no permit to be displayed. The authorities scan all license plates entering the ZTL and compare this to a list of authorized vehicles. Also answered in your prior post: To insure your hotel does take the steps necessary to make your car legal with the Zone, inquire (nicely) for proof upon your arrival. If there is some failure in the above procedure, I am not an expert on Italian law, and although you would certainly have a legitimate complaint with your hotel, I do not know, legally, how this would be resolved.

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4152 posts

You must notify the hotel you're staying at that you will need the permit. There is no "sticker" or "placard" but the license plate of the rental car is given to the authorities and they compare it with the plates of the cars entering the ZTL's. If you don't have this permit you are responsible for fines incurred. It is your responsibility to be sure the hotel has the proper permits for you. You should request them as soon as you know you're driving and then follow up with an email or two and upon checkin. Just because you ask them to do this doesn't mean they won't forget or get side tracked. You must follow up. Donna

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2207 posts

I've watched the fray from afar. ZTL's are indeed confusing. Living in Rome we were fortunate to own a motorino, to which ZTL rules in the city do not apply. For more info on the Rome ZTL's, read this post. Although there are stickers and placards (primarily for locals for parking) that you'll see on cars... as mentioned, there is no sticker for a ZTL. Upon arrival at the hotel, you should get a copy of the ZTL notification sent to the local police. This will be your strongest defense and may assist you if you have to argue. Well, good Luck on that. Some smaller accommodations on a few occasions ARE NOT registered with the local authorities and thus CANNOT get you an exemption. Know that before you book there! Many folks pick up the car on their last day and drive over to the hotel to pick up luggage and passengers. BAD MOVE! At this point, you're really at the mercy of the hotel as they will tell you we will call it in later... and you've already driven right by the ZTL sign. For the hotels, it's a hassle, but it is part of their "responsibility" if they commit to you that you will get an exception. Again, I can't stress enough - as soon as you check-in - ask for a receipt of the ZTL report/transaction/exception notification - and keep asking for it until you get it and before you leave! After you leave, you'll probably get a shoulder shrug, a ticket, and no support to "debate" your infraction. In Italy, I've found that with driving infractions, you're guilty until YOU prove your innocence - and that doesn't happen too often once the ticket is processed.