Has anyone on the board been in Venice for il Redentore? My wife and I are starting our 8 night trip to Italy in Venice. Coincidentally, night 1 is Il Redentore. We did book a hotel that overlooks the basin where the fireworks, etc. will take place, although our room itself overlooks a canal. The hotel is offering a special dinner that night on their rooftop restaurant for 200Euros/pp. We're balancing the sticker shock of the price vs. the convenience factor given we'll probably not get to our hotel until around 7 that night anyway. Any thoughts?
No, no direct experience because I don't go at such crowded times, but I do have many years' experience of visiting my favourite city - Venice.
It strikes me that if you are staying where it appears you are when you are you will already be paying a pretty penny just for the room. Does €400 during the experience really add in that much more cost?
Wherever you go that weekend you will be cheek by jowl with many many people and crowds all over.
Personally I've never paid more than the equivalent of €40 for both of us to eat at any restaurant anywhere (we don't drink) so maybe I'm the wrong guy to ask about €200pp.
I usually stay for just about a whole week somewhere (even the Venice area) for about what you are considering dropping for dinner.
I bet the view will be cool. Hope you enjoy the dinner.
How much will they charge for just a drink with the same view? It looks like the fireworks start at 11:30 p.m..
I like being near the water at piazza San Marco. Mobs? How about thousands of celebrating people who did not leave their manners at home! It really was a very special evening and didn't cost me an extra euro. The best part was being welcomed into the party! Do the bridge, where else could you do that? Thanks for reminding me that I'll be there again for the celebration!