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Exiting Sistine Chapel via tour group doorway directly to St Peters Basilica - new name policy?

I have a very early am tour booked with city wonders (they have been horrible so far btw and the tour has not even started); It is for a VIP waking up the Vatican early morning tour of the Vatican Museums. My understanding (from some reading I have done not from City Wonders or anyone in authority) is the the door/exit from the Sistine Chapel that tour groups generally use that goes into a courtyard and then directly into St Peters without the hassle of walking all the way around and waiting in a new queue, now requires that your name be pre-registered by the tour company and a small fee paid in order to use this exit now. Does anyone know what I am talking about or has been there very recently (last 5 months) and knows if this is now the case? The tour company has been impossible to communicate with so I am turning to the real experts here! I have searched one thread on here but it has been closed and I can't comment / ask on it . Thank you in advance.

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16409 posts

This is the first I've heard of it but doing some sleuthing around the net, I came up with this article which mentions the little fee and that tour companies must now pre-reserve use of the door. According to the author, this went into effect in July.

I'll do some more poking about but it's possible there's not much out there if tour companies have just been quietly covering the new fee, if true, with small price increases, and reservations via their tour rosters. My guess is that this effort is to reduce/eliminate most/any sneaking through by folks who haven't paid for a tour.

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7131 posts

This line on City Wonders tour website leads me to believe that it's part of the tour. "After soaking up the Sistine Chapel, we’ll use our Skip-the-Line Access again, to enter St. Peter’s Basilica." While it doesn't specifically state which entrance to St Peter's it does sound like it uses the special 'tour' entrance from the Sistine to St Peter's. Does the tour company have your name so you'll be pre-registered? If so, then I think that add'l fee is probably part of the tour fee. How have you tried to contact the tour company? Have you both called and emailed? I would just keep trying if it would give you peace of mind to have them confirm it.

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19 posts

I was just there Monday on a similar tour with Walks. The group must exit together- the guide just checks in with the guard at the door and tells them how many are in the group and that everyone is together. There was no fee nor anything to do with names.

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4 posts

thank you all so much for your replies. I have spoken to and emailed with both City Wonders and Viator. This is a tour that was booked on trip advisor (which owns Viator or vice versa) and on my confirmation it says the tour is conducted by City Wonders. When I contacted city Wonders they said (in writing) that they do not conduct the tour part, Viator does. Viator denies that they conduct the tour, saying City Wonders does. It's such a mess with both of them pointing fingers at each other, and never getting the same customer service agent either on the phone or email. I feel certain the tour will go off when I show up at the 6 am meeting spot at the entrance to the Vatican Museums, but they obviously have a very convoluted partnership. I paid just over $1,000 for my husband and I for this tour btw so it seems at that price point someone could take ownership of my question and do the research and get an answer. I know, very extravagant, but its a small group special experience unlocking the doors etc to parts of the museum with the key keepers of the Vatican Museums and it will possibly be the only time I visit the Vatican. Anyway, my issue is really that I want to ask them if they can "pre register" our names as outlined in the American in Rome article that one of you linked (thank you!!). I guess it's a new policy for tour groups to use that particular shortcut into St. Peters. I will let you know in a few weeks how it ends up. Thank you again for your responses!!

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3 posts

We just returned from RS Best of Italy tour. Fabulous! Prior to our visit to Sistine Chapel with Rick’s audio app, we were briefed by the local guide if we wanted to use the short cut to St. Peter’s, we must exit Sistine Chapel on the right door and remove our whispers so that we do not look like part of a tour group! We did exactly that and had no problem and no one stopped us. We walked by a little gift shop on our left and reached the main entrance to the Church in no time at all. We were very well prepared for this tour with tons of information from this forum. Thanks everyone!

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16409 posts

I believe this is the tour you booked:

To my knowledge, Viator doesn't conduct tours and has never conducted tours. They're a re-seller of tours, attraction tickets, etc. and owned by TripAdvisor. I would have a VERY hard time believing that your guide wouldn't be from City Wonders....which, BTW, are in current partnership with the Vatican.

I'm sure everything will be just fine but a gentle suggestion for next time? It's best to book directly with a company (like City Wonders) versus through a third party (like TripAdvisor/Viator) whenever possible so one can go directly to the source should an issue arise. I have made use of an online hotel booker ( that has worked well for me but wouldn't personally use TA for booking tours.

The back door of the Sistine is reserved for tours. People pay extra for those and for the privilege of accessing the basilica that way. 'Nuff said?

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4 posts

thank you Kathy. I normally would only book directly with the tour company, (I very rarely will use a reseller like this case) but this was an odd situation. I had been on Trip Advisor researching and reading reviews on several early morning skip the line type of Vatican tours and the next morning an email (obviously targeted) appeared my inbox from Trip Advisor suggesting I might be interested in this "waking up the Vatican tour", and I looked it over and booked it. I also tried without success to find that particular tour on the city wonders web site and it was no where to be found. Even on the link that you provided it gives you a place to click to book it and it is only bookable thru trip advisor or Viator. So it appears to be an exclusive to be offered only thru Trip Advisor / Viator and one has no choice but to book it through the reseller. That is probably why everyone I spoke to at City Wonders and Viator did not have a clue. Anyway, thanks again for taking the time to answer my questions and provide the links. (And one would think for the price of this particular tour, the exit to St Peters would be included..) You all have been more helpful and more responsive than the 7 different people I either emailed with or spoke on the phone to today at a both City Wonders and Viator!! Many thanks....

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16409 posts

Ugh, you're right; this tour appears only to be available through TA/Viator.

Well, you get big points for trying to go to the source to begin with, and I'll cross fingers and toes that all goes swimmingly! Do let us know how it turns out? I'll agree that for the price of this critter, they should be johnny-on responses to your questions! 🤞

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16409 posts

kbunkport14, probably a dumb question, as it sounds like you've been all over both City Wonders and Viator, but have you also tried the C.W. live chat? It pops up when I first open the page below:

I can't imagine it would get you any further than the phone calls you've already made but at this point....

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4 posts

Hi Kathy - yes I have communicated with City Wonders and Viator in every which way (phone online chat and email). Today I received another email from them saying that since they don't "sell this tour" they have no control over what the inclusions of the tour are etc, which I understand, but there is a partnership there and City Wonders should at the very least have more information available to their 'customer care agents' . It clearly states on my confirmation that if you have any questions you should contact City Wonders and gives a phone number etc. Their agents have given me so much conflicting and false information, it's nuts. Finally last night I got an email from someone at Viator who I think understands my request and is trying to get to the bottom of it for me. The good news is that the reviews on Trip Advisor for this particular tour are very very good, so I think the tour itself will be lovely and I am looking forward to it. Thank you again for your help. I will post back after the tour to update anyone else who may be interested.

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16409 posts

See? I knew it was a dumb question! DOH!

Wish I could help. Will hope for the best and will be anxious to hear how it went. Yep, the reviews for this tour are very positive...which they should be for one at this price point, eh?

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23 posts

We used City Wonders for our skip the line tour that included the museum, Sistine Chapel, and St. Peter's. It was a great tour in spite of being super hot and crowded in June. (Part of the tour was outside while they explain the Sistine Chapel). Just my opinion, but at the hour you are going, a special door isn't likely to make any difference at all. I am guessing it is going to be absolutely wonderful! All of our City Wonder tours were top notch with very knowledgeable guides.