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euro traveler's checques

has anyone used euro traveler's checques?

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11507 posts

travellers checks?? They still make them?? LOL,, Just teasing connie, they are dinosaurs I haven't used them in like 15 yrs,,.
Cash and an ATM card is all you need ( plus of course an emergency CC for large bills like hotels and trains etc.)
Everyone here is steering you right on this one, you will have a h*ll of a time trying to find anyone to take them.

Posted by
9109 posts

Travelers Checks, in any currency, are dinosaurs. Almost nobody accepts them anymore. Do a search on this topic, for more details. It's best to rely on ATM cards, a couple hundred dollars in emergency cash and a money belt.

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2207 posts


I currently live in Rome and I agree with Michael. Here in Italy, and two weeks ago in Spain, I've seen travelers struggle with any form of travelers cheques. The Italians DO NOT want them and will ask if you have alternative payment. This is a cash society! Wear the money belt, use the ATM's, and avoid travelers cheques.

If you do not feel comfortable with carrying cash... then use your credit cards. I have a CapitalOne Card because they charge NO exchange fees. Check with your card company before coming so you what "extra" charges you may have to pay! Good Luck!

Posted by
24 posts

thanks. we have rented apt and they want cash when we get there they also said they would accept euro traveler's checques. connie

Posted by
4132 posts

Even back in the Jurasic, when travelers would spend time queuing at banks and cambio and Amex to convert their travelers' checks to marks franks escudos, almost no one had a use for travelers checks denominated in the local currency. Local vendors seldom accepted them.

I am sure they are occassionally useful, where a vendor specifically requested them for a large payment. But not often.