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Estate Romana Festival?

I have read that this festival occurs each August in Rome; however, I can't find any online information on the festival. We're in Rome Aug 21 to 26 and wanted to see if the schedules were published - have heard the concerts are great. Any insight? Are the schedules not published until closer to the event?

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Estate Romane is fantastic, but it is huge, and happens all over the city at various venues, all doing different things. One thing I went to out at the Stadio Olimpico was like a huge discotech with a bunch of convention type stands around it, selling clothes, jewelry, music, and there were also these make-shift pubs. Another was listening to classical music in Villa Ada after midnight. Another was an outdoor cinema on Isola Tiberina or in Piazza Farnese. Check out the Comune di Roma website and see if there is any information there. I guess my point is that Estate Romana is aimed at all different interest and age levels.