I know I know, much of this will depend on the mindset I bring to the experience - but, after a year of marinating in everything Da Vinci, I am eager to have an incredible first viewing of the Last Supper. I realize I'm not Brad Pitt, yet, I would like to arrange a private or at least semi-private viewing. We've all heard (and experienced) the underwhelming/ crushing feeling of craning our neck to get a 10-second view of the Sistine Chapel or Mona Lisa but the thought of making it all the way to Milan and inside the church only to fight for space with people more interested in a photo op than marinating in Leo's brilliance is enough to, well, make me look for an alternative. Hence my question.
This one looks promising? https://www.livitaly.com/tour/private-last-supper-tour-with-milan-highlights-duomo/
As does this one? https://eyesofrome.com/our-tours/milan/milan-walking-tour-with-da-vinci-s-the-last-supper
Thanks for the help! I'm also wondering if there's another way to take in The Mona Lisa without throngs of cameras. Maybe I am Brad Pitt after all?