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Entrance Tickets, Colosseum, Pantheon, Forum

Where would I purchase tickets for the above on line? Is there one source for all three. We are using RS Audio tours. We prefer individual observations to accommodate our level of interest. Judy

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Hi, good luck booking your tickets. Our personal experience was that the pantheon tickets were very easy to book, we booked a slot early in the day and there was minimal queue to get in. We were keen to get a ‘full experience’ ticket for the Colosseum which included the Arena floor and the Forum. Getting those proved a real challenge, we initially thought we’d follow advice and go either early or late in the day, in the end we were very happy just to grab two tickets for any slot we could. I asked when these type of tickets were released and the response I got was:

tickets are released 30 day in advance and then 7 days before the date of your visit.
The release is gradual starting from 9:10 every 10 minutes untill 18.

Hope that’s of some help. It’s worth the effort, all the sites were amazing.