I am thinking buying a smallish lightweight string backpack in case it would be less of a problem in general than the typical backpack. Do you think they would let me take it into the collessum and if not would I be able to throw it away in a hurry so I won't miss my guided tour?
Possible stuff I would carry in if I am allowed to:
-toothbrush and floss (I have developed a compulsion with flossing and brushing or at the minimum flossing good and rinsing after every time I eat; I can hardly stand the feeling of food stuck in my teeth); if they are so strict that even a toothbrush and a little box of floss can't be taken in, I'll just have to throw them away in a hurry and then purchase new ones after my tour of the Colosseum.
-compact sized camera
-food (you might think taking food in is the same thing as eating in the Colosseum, but that is false. The only reason I would bring food would be to eat it just after leaving). It has been over 9 years since I last ate restaurant food or most typical food recipes.
-phone (I could leave it in my hostel)
-water (perhaps it is very possible that I won't need it)