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Entering the Colosseum in Rome and other places

I am thinking buying a smallish lightweight string backpack in case it would be less of a problem in general than the typical backpack. Do you think they would let me take it into the collessum and if not would I be able to throw it away in a hurry so I won't miss my guided tour?

Possible stuff I would carry in if I am allowed to:
-toothbrush and floss (I have developed a compulsion with flossing and brushing or at the minimum flossing good and rinsing after every time I eat; I can hardly stand the feeling of food stuck in my teeth); if they are so strict that even a toothbrush and a little box of floss can't be taken in, I'll just have to throw them away in a hurry and then purchase new ones after my tour of the Colosseum.
-compact sized camera
-food (you might think taking food in is the same thing as eating in the Colosseum, but that is false. The only reason I would bring food would be to eat it just after leaving). It has been over 9 years since I last ate restaurant food or most typical food recipes.
-phone (I could leave it in my hostel)
-water (perhaps it is very possible that I won't need it)

Posted by
5691 posts

A similar question was asked on TripAdvisor. Multiple replies said pretty much the same thing: You can bring in a backpack. It will go through a scanner at the security checkpoint. Liquids are NOT allowed. So if you're bringing a bottle of water, drink it before you reach the security checkpoint.

Posted by
4096 posts

A messenger-style bag, slung over a shoulder and across your chest, is more secure, sitting snugly under your arm rather than on your back where you can't see it. Plus you won't be slugging others in crowded spaces every time you turn and forget you are hauling a backpack/trailer behind you.

Posted by
4152 posts

Leave the food in your room as well as your water. Most sites won't allow you to bring them inside.

A small backpack should be fine, but a backpack is not the best way to carry your things around Rome. A cross body bag is much more secure for things like your camera and phone.


Posted by
16742 posts

Mike, this topic was covered in one of your previous posts:

Good heavens, they don't care about cameras, phones, toothbrushes and floss: they're looking for weapons and the like. You've booked a tour with the Roman Guy, last we knew, so if carrying fruit around with you is that important, then email the company with your question. Or just bring an amount that you'd be willing to toss if asked to. If food really is banned, they don't care if you say you intend to eat it later: they're going to assume that there's the chance you are going to try and sneak a nosh.