Assuming you are a US Citizen or Canadian, you are in for a long haul, and probably little possibility of making it work.
Like the US, Visas for working in the EU are hard to come by. Easiest would be to find a company that feels you have unique skills not found in-country to sponsor you. Otherwise maybe a US based company needing staff in Europe, or maybe a position with the US Government (Teaching at a Military Base, providing services to an Embassy, etc.). The bottom line is, having a job lined up before you get there, and having them smooth out the Visa battle.
Another option is finding a job from a US firm where you can work online or freelance to produce some output. With that, you are still a US employee (and paid from the US into your US bank) but where you physically happen to be is not an issue. In this case, a visa would not be needed, but you are limited to tourist limits, unless you can get some type of extended residency visa.
Any thoughts of just showing up, and then seeking employment, dealing with the visa later, just abandon now.
Edit: After reading through the link provided above, I could add that even Volunteering or providing something like Teaching English in return for a bed or board, is still illegal. Any activity that has value or might displace a legal worker, regardless of compensation is not allowed.