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Embarassing but serious issue...

Thank you all so much for your help! The website and suggestions are perfect!! I feel pretty confident I'll be ok. And if not, I'll have Depends and a story to tell later! And thank you for making me not feel so alone!

I am now 2.5 years out of cancer treatment (chemo/radiation) but still have some...uhh....issues with my bowels. Meaning, there are times I need a bathroom right away or it could be a disaster in my pants. I will try to plan meals and activities as best as I can during my trip to Italy in May, but the fear of standing at the Colosseum and needing a bathroom is a real fear. Crapping my drawers is the LAST memory I want to have while experiencing my life's dream of traveling to Italy. How difficult is it to snag a bathroom right away? Not getting to one fast enough is my number 1 (not 2) fear. Has anyone else faced something as crappy as having to need a bathroom in a huge hurry? What did you do?


Posted by
3330 posts

On the Sicily tour, I was feeling slightly under the weather for about an hour before arriving in Ragusa for the night. While standing in the street with the group awaiting our room assignments I had a sudden, uncontrollable “squirt.” I was thinking I had to get to my room ASAP. Then there was a slight tremor immediately followed by a major eruption. No, it wasn’t Mt. Etna. Though embarrassed, my fellow tour mates took it in stride and were consoling. Luckily I paid for the single supplement so no one was inconvenienced.

Posted by
187 posts

I suffer from intestinal issues myself. Rick's guidebooks are really good about listing where public toilets are or which cafes or stores have toilets that are easy to use without having to make a purchase. I always try to highlight these things when I'm reviewing my guidebooks. I carry the pages with me on my outings, this allows me to reference many things throughout the day, one of which is bathroom locations.

Posted by
8290 posts

Please remember to keep a lot of euro cent coins or change on you for those pay to enter toilets you may encounter..

Posted by
996 posts

First of all, I'm so sorry that you've had such a time of it!

Second of all, I'm not sure if you're planning this trip on your own or going with a tour group. If going with a tour, I'd definitely tell the guide about the issue either before or after the orientation meeting.

If you're traveling on your own, then there are a couple of things I'd suggest. Research areas where you want to be and map out nearby restrooms. When we did the tour thing, sometimes there was a significant wait if a place only had one restroom. Have a plan B ready where possible.

Carry coins for the toilets. Carry a small package of tissues with you at all times. And possibly carry a spare set of clothing in your bag, just in case. Think about it the same way we often think about carrying an umbrella. If we have the umbrella in hand, the rain won't appear!

Enjoy your trip!!!

Posted by
3636 posts

Are there some depends like underwear you could wear on those outings to protect your clothes in case the worst happens?

Posted by
4183 posts

Others have given you good advice on planning and logistics. I addition, I'd carry a roll of TP at all times. I've found hotels and B&B's to be very accomodating about providing extra toilet paper for me.

Although the water in Italy is supposed to be fine, the mere fact that it is different from what you are used to could cause problems. I recommend using bottled water only, even for brushing your teeth.

And no matter where you are, you can always pick up a bug of some kind. Last time for me was in Utah, not in Italy where I was 3 months earlier. I don't know if your condition will allow you to use something like Pepto Bismal, but I carry the tablets just in case. I use it so rarely that a half-dose fixes the problem.

I certainly can understand your concern. I have been dealing with Crohn's disease for almost 40 years, have had 2 surgeries for it, control it with meds and hate taking anything extra. My gut is generally sensitive, and I can usually tell whether it's the Crohn's or something I ate, but it took me several years to sort that out.

Posted by
16369 posts

I’m not sure drinking bottled water will prevent changes in your bowel movement or consistency of the stool. I experience it every year even though I drink exclusively bottled water at home or overseas.
That phenomenon is caused by changes in the intestinal bacterial flora caused by many factors, from the type of food you eat while traveling, the presence (or absence) of different types of preservatives, traveling stress, and even just jet lag.
Having toilet paper supply and coins in your pocket, is a good strategy. Knowing where to run to before hand helps. Coffee bars are good places for a WC break. Just be ready to consume something while you do. Their bathrooms are for customers only.

Posted by
32417 posts

That's a bit of a challenging problem to have while on holiday. The first step would be to have a chat with your family Physician to get some tips on things you can do to minimize the problem. This will probably involve a combination of solutions including Depends garments and possibly something like Immodium. It would be prudent also to carry some small travel packets of bath tissue, along with some anti-bacterial Wet Wipes and a spare Depends.

Anytime you're out touring, try to make note of the nearest WC's so that you'll be able to access them as quickly as possible.

Good luck!

Posted by
8293 posts

Have you consulted your doctor about how to deal with your problem? Could Imodium be the answer in certain circumstances?

Posted by
2158 posts

Know that many restrooms in Italian restaurants are in the basement and may take awhile to reach. I's do research and or scout out where you're thinking of going so you can be as prepared as able.

Posted by
73 posts

So many great ideas....thank you all! I normally pack stuff to take with me wherever I go so I will do that....I also planned to tell everyone on my tour what my situation is so they don't think I'm insane. Too bad there isn't an app for bathroom navigating!
Thanks again...keep your fingers crossed for me!

Posted by
489 posts

Some great info and I, too have a very sensitive stomach... I would check with your doc about what you could take.

After many trips in the last 3 yrs and a couple of tours. Here is my thoughts.

The bus usually does have a WC (mostly for emergencies) We had a women who was very sick on a trip and needed to use it. NO one was upset and many wanted to help. On another trip a gentleman just couldn't make it over 2 hrs... again, no one was upset.

I would just let your tour guide know and I guarantee you he/she will always point out the nearest WC. I would carry many small packets of tissue, wet wipes, possibly additional protection, and I have found if I know my digestion isn't going to cooperate., I use chewable peptobismo. (seems to work for that problem)..
Also almost always never miss the opportunity for using the toilet... I becomes the mantra of many tours.
Just know that unless you are going on a high adventure tour with 20 somethings... most of us more mature travelers have had some sort of the same issues.

Posted by
345 posts

This might help when in Rome:

For other areas, try googling "toilets in (name)".

Also google maps can show public toilets. Maybe some other map apps have the option also.

On, while at home or other wireless location, download maps of areas where you will be. Then (with wireless connection) research where toilets are probably available. Example, hotels, museum (sometimes restrooms are available before the admission desk), restaurants, etc. You can enter those places or addresses as a bookmark on the map. When out and about, you can use the map on your smart phone without a connection. Your location will be a blue dot and you can see the nearest bookmarked location. It would take some time to do this preparation, but could be very worthwhile.

Posted by
372 posts

Remember to look for "WC" (water closets) signs when you first get there, also remember public libraries are a great place for clean bathrooms and wifi too. Bring along any meds that help you here in a powder or tablet form (pepto, mylanta, etc) and throw them in your purse to help prevent that extra gassy feeling.

Posted by
315 posts

Empathy is extended to you. I did a quick search for apps for WC in Italy. WC in Rome popped up. Bars etc have bathrooms. Buy something or have your travel partners buy something. In Rome, I did notice locals utilizing the bathroom without a purchase. I have never been turned away when I have looked desperate. And do not forget to utilize a bath available before and after meals. Something I all ways forget and quickly turn around.

Posted by
4183 posts

I forgot to mention earlier that yogurt is my friend everywhere. Eating yogurt every day is a religion for me to help keep things on an even keel. Most places you stay will offer it at breakfast. If not, grocery stores will have it.

I haven't seen as much packaged Greek yogurt as l see here, but there will always be some kind. Last summer I rented apartments in Rome and Venice and the little markets I used were well-supplied.

Posted by
3 posts

First, congrats on being 2.5 years out!! That's awesome. My daughter in law and I experienced food poisoning the day before visiting Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Florida. Tickets prepaid - trip we'd been looking forward to forever - my daughter, her best friend and my two sons were also with us. I was determined to go anyway - ha!! Didn't even make it to the elevator - I know its not the same but we did wait it out for a bit and then bought Depends to the park - thank goodness they weren't needed and we can laugh about it now. No it was not the best trip but we've been etc. IF you have to they are an option - they are much slimmer than they used to be - Best of luck!!! If nothing else enjoy the laugh about us!