Florence to Cinque Terra to Venice to Milan
Florence to Venice to Cinque Terra to Milan
Which is most efficient time-wise for travel?
Thank you
Looking at the aggregate time required for the fastest trains on each route, the difference seems inconsequential. There might be more difference if one looked at the slower/less-expensive trains. You can play with schedules here: http://www.trenitalia.com/tcom-en
I would do Florence --> Cinque Terre --> Venice --> Milan.
Florence is about 2 hours (if that) from Cinque Terre. Cinque Terre to Venice is about 4 hours. Venice to Milan is about 2- 3 hours.
The most efficient route is Venice > Florence > Cinque Terre > Milan (or the same in the reverse direction).
Both of the routes you mentioned above require a long trip between the C.T. and Venice (basically you're crossing the entire country). The route I suggested minimizes travel times as much as possible.