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Economical way for 6 adults (one with wheelchair) to travel from Gaggiano to Milan and back


We are a family of 6 adults driving (by rental car) to Milan and were looking for accomodation (AirBnB ideally) close to Milan, yet, one that has parking.

We found an AirBnB in Gaggiano which claims to be 30 minute ride to Milan by car or train.

Given that my mother is in wheelchair, we figured it would be better to take a cab? (instead of driving with our rental car and figuring out parking / road restrictions etc) What is the most economical way to take a cab - I see there is Uber in Milan - is there any other cab company that we should be aware of?

If we want to take the train, are the train stations accessible for wheelchair? e.g. Elevators to change platforms?

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5649 posts

Fair warning - I've never been to that little town/village, but I'm bored this morning, so I googled a few things.

Trains seem to leave fairly frequently, but don't go all the way to Milano Centrale without a change, so you'd be taking taxis or uber once in Milan. It's a suburban line with fares around €2/pp each way. In a place that small, I highly doubt that it would have an elevator to get from the second track back to the station. Apparently the station doesn't even have a ticket machine - you have to buy them from the tobbaconist when it's open.

The rome2rio website lists both uber and taxis, with contact #s. An uber van seems 2-3times the cost of a taxi, but with 6+ wheelchair you might need 2 taxis. The site gives cost estimates, but I dont know how up to date they are.

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34221 posts

Good news and bad news, I'm afraid.

Bad news - I've never been to that station either.

Good news - I know where to look for answers.

Bad news - of anywhere which may say it has elevators (or even escalators) in public transport Italy is the one country where I wouldn't want to count on them. Even if they exist, and even if they were working yesterday, I wouldn't count on them working tomorrow. It is just the way it is. Generally worse in the south than in the north, but even in the north. I was at Genoa (PG, I think) a couple of years ago and there were signs everywhere towards the lifts/elevators for the platforms and an escalator down to the tunnel. I got down there - the escalator from the main booking hall was working - but where all the lifts should have been (right where each was marked with a sign) the doors had all been replaced with a sheet of cardboard and they weren't working. No notices or warnings, just cardboard where elevators should be. Went back to where we went down and the "up" escalator was shut down too. Oh well, another cultural experience.

Good news - Milano Centrale, the main station in Milan, has all the platforms next to each other because it is a dead-end station so changing trains there is very easy. Other good news about MI Cle (the abbreviation you will see for Milano Centrale) is it was remodeled a few years ago and there are escalators EVERYwhere which mostly seem to work.

Bad news - your train from Gaggiano doesn't go to Milano Centrale. It goes into Milano S.Cristoforo, Milano Romolo, Milano P. Romana, Milano Forlanini, Milano Lambrate, and Milano Greco Pirelli. I don't know anything about any of these, but somebody could do searches to find disabled facilities if any at them. But you still haven't answered where in Milan you intend to go so I won't be entering any wild goose chases without input.

Bad news - most of the Milan Metro is on staircases rather than elevators.

Good news - uber does operate in parts of Italy.

Bad news - uber isn't allowed to use the normal to many people uber operations; they have to only use uber black which is basically a limo service. Prices are high.

Did you clarify on any of your other questions where exactly you are trying to get to in Milan and Pisa?