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Eating in northern Italy

We will be on the Village Italy tour in the spring. I’m wondering about eating fresh food, salads and fruits. While I don’t have any medical issues, I really need to avoid stomach problems during the trip. Eating fresh food in Mexico made me very ill. I realize Italy and Mexico are quite different, but I’d appreciate advice from other sensitive tummy folks.

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23686 posts

In Mexico, was it the food or a bug hiding in the food or in the water that washed the food?

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Most of food borne illness is caused by the unwashed hands of people picking/selling/prepping/serving the food, even here in the US.

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2340 posts

Neither my husband nor I have ever suffered any illness in Italy over 15 trips. (And I had major problems in Mexico even though I avoided salads and fruits.)

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I get more stomach problems from eating out in the US than I do in Italy. For real.

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8053 posts

I’ve been to Italy multiple times and have never had any stomach issues. I order an insalata mista quite often (mixed salad). One thing I do is carry the individual Purell tabs in my purse that break open when you fold them in half. I use one on my hands in my lap after giving back the menu.

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397 posts

I've been to northern and central Italy six times and have never had an issue. I find the food quality superior to what we get in North America