Just returning from a trip to Italy. We also traveled to Sicily. Just wanted to let other travelers know that Ryanair was awesome! No glitches, delays, or luggage problems. Easy Jet was awful! We had a 7 hour delay with unexcuseably rude customer service. I would NOT recommend using Easy Jet.
what caused the delay?
Have you claimed your compensation under EU law? You don't say what your flight is but this could be €250 or €400 each. Did you get your 'duty of care'?
What was this 'rude customer service'?
My experience has been just the opposite - great service with EasyJet and terrible service with RyanAir. Interesting.......
I'm the same as Ken....RyanAir was stressful and ridiculous, and easyjet was a breeze!
Which is why you can't generalize about something based on a one-time experience :-)
Not really generalizing...just letting others know that given a choice I would not use Easyjet again. The delay was never explained. We asked several people and one said a strike in France. Someone else said there were mechanical issues. Our main frustration came with the customer service. They simply refused to help us find a solution to our problem. The words they used (2 different cutomer service people) were "we can't help you" and continued to disregard our questions. To top it off the person who was giving out meal vouchers simply refused to give out the meal vouchers until 5:30 pm after we hade been waiting since 11:30am for a flight that was delayed until 8 pm. Also, the 5pm flight came and went (same destination) and we just watched ....
Sounds like your beef is more with the grounds handling agent rather than easyJet itself. A two hour delay should trigger the meals voucher -if you don't get one you can claim back reasonable expenses in lieu.
This happens with nearly all airlines and it's really upsetting. Often the ground crew doesn't even know the cause, but these poor people are on the front lines. If there is a delay, the plane loses its take off slot and has to re-apply for a gate and take off time. Then the crew has gone over its legal working limit and you have to wait for a new crew, and on and on it goes. Meanwhile gate people are waiting to board you at any minute, etc. It just happened to be Easy Jet this time, but it could have been Delta, United, etc. At least you have a war story to tell.