We will be in Florence for Easter and would like to attend Mass at the Duomo. Do we need to arrange for this ahead of time? Or just arrive early? Advice appreciated!
Arrive in time. Enter from the small door on the right wall. Expect to be stopped and tell you are attending Mass. Remember that on Easter morning there is the Scoppio del Carro, so it could be so crowded that you barely manage to get to the Duomo. If the thing gets crazy, consider a Mass at San Lorenzo that at present has very good music.
Please no selfies photos etc. or cell phones during mass.
The crowds gathering to watch the Scoppio del Carro completely surround the piazza in front of the duomo and they start to gather early. If you're approaching in a direction towards the front of the duomo, you'd be wise to circle around using a street at least one block to the left or right and then approach the entry door from the rear of the duomo. Trying to squeeze through the crowds around the piazza would be difficult if not impossible.
The Cardinal celebrates the Easter mass, which helps make it a special experience. At the end of mass, you'll see the dove "fly" outside to ignite the Scoppio del Carro. I don't recall whether there are screens inside the duomo that allow parishioners to watch a live broadcast of the event outside, but it wouldn't surprise me.
Thank you for the tips!