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EASTER in Rome or the Chinque Terra?

Looking for your thoughts if you have spent Good Friday and/or Easter Sunday in either of these places. We are flying to Italy from Madrid on April 1. We could fly into Pisa and head to the Chique Terra for 2-3 days, or fly into Rome and out of Pisa. My guess would be that Rome is more chaotic on those days and sights seeing hours reduced. Please advise.

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1589 posts

Unless I am reading wrong, you have a total of three days in Italy. If this is the case and you have never been to Rome, go to Rome. If you have been to Rome before and want little or no crowds, go the the CT.

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47 posts

Sorry, for omitting important details. Total time in Italy is 10 days.
More than anything, I'd like to hear your experiences about spending Easter week in these places. I'll figure out the schedule. Thanks again.

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1589 posts

Is it all or nothing- one or the other, but not both?

In general, Easter week in any of the five CT villages is not crowded. Next year, Easter is the 1st week in April and should still be on the chilly side. On the bright side, this is a great time of year to get discount lodging. I would not book ahead and bargain at the train station.

Rome is Rome and always seems to be busy, crowded and hectic- but the sites!!! From Good Friday until Easter Sunday expect less choices for dining.

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17 posts

My husband and I were in Vernazza on Easter of this year and is was extremely busy. The next day things calmed down as people returned home, but we were surprised with how many people were there.