I'm wondering what, if any differences there are in going on a (Rick Steves My Way) Italy trip in early October vs. late October? Would the crowds be less? Is the weather for the most part the same throughout Italy during October? Does it get colder later? Any input whether it makes a difference or not would be appreciated.
Yes it gets colder later in October, but it is relative. Rome, for example, has an average high of 75 Fah. on October 1 and 64 on the 31st, See this link for averages https://www.accuweather.com/en/it/rome/213490/month/213490?monyr=10/01/2018.
That difference is solved by a cardigan sweater over a tee shirt, but if you are going to be in the mountains, it can be entirely another story. I had to buy a wool base layer one year in Switzerland in early October.
Crowds will be about the same in Rome, Florence, and Venice. And it may rain just a bit more on average in late October, but it is not usually a very rainy month.
I would say go when it is most convenient for you to go.
Thanks!! I didn't think it would be that much different but you never know. Good tips.
The big difference is the shorter daylight hours. Oct is our preferred month to travel. Tends to be dryer and cooler.
I don’t agree October is a dry month on average.
Weather statistics tell us the end of October and the beginning of November has the highest rain precipitation of the entire year in much of Italy, especially in Northern Italy where the specific tour is concentrated. Most major floods occur during the first week in November after rivers have swollen due to the heavy precipitation.
It is also a bit cooler than the beginning of the month, but not really cold yet.
As mentioned above, days are shorter too.
If it were my trip I’d certainly choose to go the earlier part of the month of October.
Below are the weather statistics for the areas included in the specific tour.
Cinque Terre: https://www.ilmeteo.it/portale/medie-climatiche/La+Spezia
Varenna: https://www.ilmeteo.it/portale/medie-climatiche/Lecco
Venice: https://www.ilmeteo.it/portale/medie-climatiche/Venezia
Florence: https://www.ilmeteo.it/portale/medie-climatiche/Firenze
Assisi: https://www.ilmeteo.it/portale/medie-climatiche/Perugia
Rome: https://www.ilmeteo.it/portale/medie-climatiche/Roma
There's no predicting the weather, and you should have mostly fine weather. However you should be prepared for some rain. The rain in October tends not to be showers but a day of steady rain, sometimes for several days in a row. Bring a waterproof jacket and hat and a collapsible umbrella.
...and here I didn't think this would be an interesting topic. :) Thanks for all your input!