My fab gourmet cooking club is renting a villa in Montisi for one week in Sept. A few folks are extremely keen on attending the Wed. papal audience in Rome while we are there. I know, it's nuts to go that far, difficult to get there, etc. etc. But they are devoted Catholics and REALLY REALLY want to do this, esp. with a new pope in town. So, as the designated planner for the group, I need advice on the most efficient way to get 4 or 5 people to Rome for the day. Audience is at 10:30, check in beginning at 8:30.
We will have a car, which can be used or not depending on the best option. I'm not keen on driving in Rome, but maybe dropping it off somewhere and taking a quick train in? Driving to the outskirts and parking there? Taxi vs. public transit in Rome? I've fussed about online trying several options but haven't been able to sort out the best logistics combo to get us there in time. I have been to Rome twice before, so I generally know my way around. Cost is less important than making sure we get there in time. Everyone knows they'll have to get up really early! (Spending the night before in Rome is not really an option.)
Despite the fact that you will be arriving in Rome at the peak of the morning rush hour, I expect if I were in that position I'd have everybody in the car by 5 am and drive down the A1 and, avoiding the ZTL just on the Navonna side of the river, motor over to the big underground multi story carpark just south of the Colonade. With 4 or 5 that may be cheapest, or at least in the run for it, it will take 2 and a quarter or two and a half hours plus traffic time plus lost time - use a good GPS - and I think you would likely be about as fast as parking at Orvieto and training and then having to get the express bus or Metro from Termini. Others I am sure will have contrary ideas.
If you want a better location you will need a ticket from the American Catholic Church in Rome (Santa Susanna). Reserve via e-mail. Pick up is 5-6:30 p.m. the night before. With or without a ticket, you will have to stand while waiting. Some people get kind of rude and feel as if they have a right to move in front of you. You will want a place right on the rail to see the Pope drive by in the Pope mobile. Be ware of pick pockets - especially at times when people shove or right as the Pope drives by. I'd pack NOTHING in your pockets. I wore my jacket OVER my purse and zipped the jacket shut.
By the time the Pope starts to pray, the people who just wanted to see him drive by, start to leave.
Thanks for the replies so far. We already have the tickets arranged through one member of our group who holds a position in the church. I appreciate the advice about where to sit and crowd awareness. Other transport suggestions?