I have been told not to take my rental car to Rome because the driving is very challenging. We are planning to stay in a small town outside Rome and take public transit. Should I be concerned about driving in Rome?
Hilda, YES, you should be concerned (especially if you're only used to driving conditions in Telkwa)!!! It's difficult to imagine the chaos of traffic in Rome until you've seen it. In addition to driving, you'll also need to be extra cautious as a pedestrian. Regarding driving in Italy... One important point to note is that for driving in Italy, each driver must have the compulsory International Driver's Permit, which is used in conjunction with your home D.L. These are valid for one year, and easily obtained at any BCAA office (two Passport-sized photos required, which in some cases are provided by the issuing office). It looks like your nearest office is Prince George. Failure to produce an IDP if requested can result in fines on the spot! Have a look at This Website for more detailed information. You may also want to search other Posts here regarding the Zona Traffico Limitato areas that are becoming increasingly prevalent in many towns in Italy (especially Florence!). EACH PASS through one of the automated Cameras will result in a €100+ ticket! A GPS along with a good Map would also be a good idea. Be sure to also give some thought to the question of CDW. If you accept the CDW offered by the rental firm, it will be expensive but will provide "peace of mind". Some "premium" credit cards provide rental vehicle insurance, however I've found this to be somewhat complicated so I just accept that offered by the rental firm. Check the Car Rental section in Europe Through The Back Door for further information. Which "small town outside Rome" are you planning to stay in? The trains and public transportation in Italy are excellent, so travel by train will be a much easier option. Happy travels!
Driving in Rome can be difficult for those that don't know the roads. The center has many ZTL - limited traffic zones that only authorized cars are allowed to travel. Drive in a ZTL and months later a traffic ticket will follow you home - check the boards for other travelers that have encountered the same problem. Parking will probably cost 25-30 euro for the day for a lot in the center. Avoid driving if you can. If you the train isn't an option drive to a metro station on the outskirts of Rome and take the metro to the center.
Hilda, I would echo the comments and NOT drive into Rome, or frankly even have a car in Rome -there's no need for one. Driviing in the city can be challenging. Rome has one of the largest ZTL areas in Europe. In addition, Parking is a pain - although you could pay to park at a gararge. See this list of spots and companies: Parking in Rome. There are stations (like Rebbibia) on the outskirts of town that have parking - although their parking lots can fill up quickly with local commuters. If possible - and you want to stay in Rome centro (not sure your itinerary or interests) - dump the car! There are only a few places in Italy where you may NEED to drive (like Tuscany!). Trains are far more convenient and less hassle. Rome at Night is certainly worth seeing... and with a car, parking, driving back to your residence at night, etc. you may miss some of the best parts, experiences, and views of the city!
There is no reason to use a car for visiting the sites of Rome; in fact, it is a liability because parking is so hard to find. You'd be far better off using the Metro or whatever public transport your village provides to commute to/from central Rome
Don't take a car into Rome. Period.
I was terrified just being a passenger in a hired private car from Rome to the airport. The driver must have been doing over 90mph and tailgating the whole time. It was terrifying. Sorry, I love Italy and Italians, but their driving leaves something to be desired! I'm concerned about just getting my kids across the street safely in Rome this coming summer.
I've witnessed Italian drivers "pausing" at red lights and then simply running them! I did a bus tour of Italy and saw how crazy the roads are! If you can avoid it, don't drive!
Kerry, in Rome we call the ride from the airport into town... the flight after the flight! One of our taxi drivers once hit 165 km on the route... while talking on his cell phone!
I live and drive in Los Angeles and there is no way in hell I would consider driving let alone trying to park a car in Rome.