Great. Now, part 2 - Tolls, the advanced course:
You could do a web search for “images Italian toll plaza”. Here is one example that shows most of the lane options, but I suggest you search for other images as there are a few more variations.
Yellow sign is Telepass only. Blue sign is credit cards only. White signs are usually cash only, staffed or unstaffed.
The variations are that sometimes the blue lane will also allow Telepass users to zip through, only if marked with a yellow square “T” in a corner of the sign. Staffed (white) lanes with the hand will sometimes take credit cards. But really, it becomes obvious after just one or two tries.
If you plan to drive around Milan, there is one and only one bit of toll road that has no toll plaza. It’s called Pedemontana and is well signed. You either need a Telepass device or you are expected to go to the website afterwards and pay the posted toll online. Details here: Pedemontana If you don’t pay, your car rental agency will pay it and charge you back. I’ve been on the road a few times, it is well marked and easy to pay afterwards. If you are expecting it.
This is not to scare or dissuade you, just to provide a complete story. Doesn’t sound like you’re headed to Milan, and the rest is pretty normal: pull a ticket on entry, pay at exit, pick the right type of lane and off you go.