Can you drive from Taormina to Puglia in a day?
Go to and you can find out not only if it is doable in a day, but how much gas and tolls will cost you.
Thanks, that site was SO helpful!
Our travel agent told us that the Michelin travel times are calculated in the middle of the night when there's no traffic. If she's right, you should think of that time as being the minimum time needed.
Rick has said the same thing in one of his books, that he would add 25% or more to the driving times given on internet mapping websites.
The above might be true, but the autostrade system in Sicily is brand new and lightly used, so travel is very easy.
Last year on the Rick Steves Sicily and Southern Italy tour, the bus drove from Taormina to Matera (not in Puglia, but close) in a day. It was a VERY long day ... at least 8 hours of driving.