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Driving from Venice to Naples !

Hi all -
We're renting a car from Venice and dropping it off in Rome for about 4 days in July. I know it's not enough time and that's why I was wondering if anyone knew of a scenic itinerary for these 4 days? I'm reading mixed reviews about driving along the coastline (east or west) versus inland. Our plan is to see more of the countryside and picturesque parts of Italy and not necessarily major cities on the way. To us, the mountains and oceans are equally beautiful and we're happy to see one or both. We're just concerned about our limited time so we don't want to waste it on the roads if there's not much to see or to do on specific routs along the way. Since we haven't paid for the car yet, we can always cancel it and maybe take the train for parts of this trip (from Venice to Rome/Napels) as it'd be quicker and only drive in a smaller area.

Hope the above desciription is enough for our travel gurus to shed some light.

Thanks all


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12212 posts

So you are thinking of driving from Venice, to Naples and on to Rome via a 'scenic' route and want to do it in 4 days?

Something like this?,+Metropolitan+City+of+Venice,+Italy/Naples,+Metropolitan+City+of+Naples,+Italy/Rome,+Metropolitan+City+of+Rome,+Italy/@43.0744919,8.2366871,6z/data=!4m40!4m39!1m20!1m1!1s0x477eb1daf1d63d89:0x7ba3c6f0bd92102f!2m2!1d12.3155151!2d45.4408474!3m4!1m2!1d12.2232634!2d44.6842201!3s0x477ddf7a16a6e015:0x5ddeb0450d41923f!3m4!1m2!1d13.5176503!2d43.5533659!3s0x132d80f47d38adf3:0x891d3f77bc41cf2b!3m4!1m2!1d15.0319863!2d41.9442214!3s0x1330cb55ce6cf40f:0x374be448463fca0e!1m10!1m1!1s0x133b0866db7afaeb:0xd23a43cc658cb87e!2m2!1d14.2681244!2d40.8517746!3m4!1m2!1d13.5490427!2d41.2099161!3s0x133ad34eaf7bc3c3:0x3a27a493f5240fa9!1m5!1m1!1s0x132f6196f9928ebb:0xb90f770693656e38!2m2!1d12.4963655!2d41.9027835!3e0

Way too much ground to cover in 4 days, by ANY means of transportation ( assuming you want to see something other than the road )
EDIT-I was trying to get the east coast trip to go down ss16, not the autostrada-- Frank's post brought to light that I missed.Frank is also correct the point was also to bring to light just how much driving it is vs being at and seeing somewhere.

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3112 posts

The route above is all on the not-so-scenic autostrada, but hopefully it will give you a better appreciation for the long distance you want to cover. If I understand correctly, you want to pick up a car the morning of day 1 and drop it off in Rome late on day 4. You might consider the following plan, although it involves a lot of driving and limited time to enjoy your destinations. Day 1: Pick up the car and drive to Ravenna by way of Ferrara, thus avoiding the crowded 2-lane coastal road. Spend the rest of the day and night there. Day 2: Drive to Orvieto by way of Perugia, possibly detouring to Cortona, Assisi, Gubbio or Monteplciano along the way. Spend the rest of the day and night in Orvieto. Day 3: Make a beeline for Naples on the Autostrada and spend the rest of your day and night there. Day 4: Head to Rome, maybe with a stop in Tivoli to see Hadrian's Villa and the nearby Villa d'Estate. Or, you could take the local train to Pompeii or Herculaneum in the morning and then drive to Rome in the afternoon. Personally I wouldn't attempt such a rushed itinerary or so many consecutive 1-night stops, but you could technically do it if that's your wish.