Hello, I see that it takes three hours to get from Naples to Matera. We have been advised by our B&B in Matera to go via Salerno and Potenza. I'm wondering if anyone has made that drive and how the roads are (condition, how mountainous, etc.)? Our other option to take a train (about 4.5 hours) to Bari, rent a car there and then make the one-hour drive. Thanks.
Have not been to your destination, but did drive from Naples across to the Adriatic and to Milan. I found the roads there to be in at least as good condition as their US counterparts. Signage is decidedly different, but the roads themselves were not an issue.
If you have been to Paradise , Hurricane Ridge, or N Cascades you have driven more challenging roads.
You can take a bus from Naples to Bari in 3 hours.
There no problem, the roads are in good shape and well signed. If you have a smartphone, download the area for offline use on Google Maps as a backup. For reassurance, you can look at the road at any point from home with Google Street View.
Thank you. I think we'll give it a go. Much quicker than to take the train to Bari and then rent and drive to Matera, I think.
We drove that same route from Naples to southern Puglia (via Potenza /Matera) in 2017 and it was a smooth trip. I recall that there were plenty of rest stops as we travelled through campania but less so when we crossed into Basilicata. Enjoy your trip! Matera is a magical place.