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Driving from calabria to Bari

Hi we are going to Italy in October this year and our trip starts in Sicily. We will be catching the ferry from Sicily to Villa San Giovanni. I need to get to Torre Di Ruggiero and I am unsure whether to hire a car and drive or catch a train.
My main question is we will then head from Torre Di Ruggero to Bari. Would it be safe to drive this?

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7349 posts

A car looks essential to get to and get around Torre di Ruggiero. The onwards drive to Bari, while a bit long, is certainly safe, most of it is either on divided 4-lane highways or improved 2-lane roads. What was getting you worried?

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76 posts

Hi, Maria! We've made this drive a couple of times....from Scilla to Bari and from Scilla to basically go the same way. It's perfectly safe to drive. Much less traffic than in the north. Beautiful mountains and ocean views. We will be there too. Perhaps we will see each other!

Although you can GPS it, I have a Marco Polo driving map of Italy that I always bring with me so that I can get a sense of what we are driving past, what the mountain ranges are, and generally how it all fits together. It pulls the entire region together.

Don't know what you plan to do in Bari, but we had a great time on a local bike tour that starts in the working harbor. It's a beautifully restored city!