Looking for ideas, we are driving from Agrigento to Catania and looking for places to stop at on the way. Especially if there is a farm to stop at for lunch or a tour, a hike possibly. Thanks!
You can stop at one of Sicily’s top sites in Piazza Armerina, the Villa Romana del Casale . Highly recommend you spend some time there.
I’m guessing you’re taking the direct inland route, and not the more southerly route we used over several days to see and stay in Caltagirone and Modica (chocolate!), as well as visit the Villa at Piazza Armerina, and Siracusa. Either way, stop at Enna, which includes the ruins of the ancient Castello di Lombardia castle. Nice lunch possibility in the town, with lots of opportunities to get some exercise at elevation.
We went in reverse, but we stopped at the Roman Villa Suki mentioned. We visited Ortigia and Noto on a different day.
Yes, we are doing the inland route, as a few days before we are driving from Syracuse to Ragusa (staying there 2 days), then to Agrigento(staying there 2 days). Any tips of where to stop on that drive is great too!