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Dress code in Italy?

We have heard that only tourists wear shorts and sneakers in Italy. We are going to be on an Italy & Croatia cruise and will wear shorts on the ship, but should we plan on wearing pants while in port? What about capri pants?

We will be in Portofino, Florence, Venice, Messina, Rome, and Naples, and then Split and Dubrovnik, Croatia.

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2207 posts

Everyone wears shorts here - especially in coastal towns! When visiting churches you must have shoulders and knees covered so that would be an exception. I wear shorts/sandals everyday as the temperature hovers near 95 in August (Although the last few days have incredibly mild!!!). Dress to be comfortable!


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1201 posts

Capris were very popular on women when we were in Italy last year. If you are planning on visiting churches just make sure that your attire is "respectful". That generally means that your knees and shoulders are covered.

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45 posts

I felt comfortable wearing shorts on the coast but would not wear them in the cities. Capris are very popular with everyone (including some men) so feel free to wear them. My favorite outfit to wear is a wrinkle free casual dress or skirt. You can wear them everywhere and not feel out of place. Have a wonderful time!

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1358 posts

Because he lives in Rome, I would take Ron's advice. Most travelers wear what is comfortable. I always wear shorts and have no problems.

I dont really care what the locals think. Obey the church dress, but otherwise I would wear whatever you feel comfortable with.

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192 posts

I wear shorts and sneakers at home and I wear them in Italy. I lived in Italy for several years and go back every September. Italians really don't care what you are wearing unless you are trying to get into a church.

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189 posts

Having come recently from Italy and having likewise been warned about the shorts thing, I packed long pants for certain days. Shorts were everywhere, including on Italians! In the churches it is respectful to cover knees and shoulders. However, you could have knocked us over with a feather after seeing so much skin showing on some visitors during our Vatican tour. We had been told there were "dress" police checking to make sure all is covered. Unfortunately, it looked like another tradition bit the dust. However, I would still cover knees and shoulders if I were to go again.

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466 posts

Listen to what Ron says because I's very hot and humid. Just remember if you plan on going into a church that day, don't wear them.

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122 posts

We began our tour of Italy heeding the warnings: Don't wear shorts in Italy. Truth is, everyone wears shorts everywhere. We tried to maintain respectful attire in churches, but it was very warm and humid, and we quickly learned that the "shorts or no shorts" debate is a mute point - everyone wears them! If you're worried about being too "touristy", don't - - - unless you speak fluent Italian without any trace of an accent, you'll be spotted as the tourist you are anyway ... and it really doesn't make much of a difference. Wear what you want, be comfortable - and enjoy!