We are going to the ballet at La Scala Opera House in Milan. What is appropriate to wear?
Most people will be dressed with formal attire. Smart business casual attire will be acceptable. Think of how you would dress at a corporate business meeting (not like here in the Silicon Valley, where they would wear flip flops, but in most other companies).
The ballet is not quite as formal (or as expensive) as the opera at La Scala, unless it is opening night. We saw Romeo and Juliet there and loved the experience. My husband wore a dark suit and tie (he carried the suit through the whole trip in a packing envolpe at the bottom of his suitcase, and took it to a drycleaner for pressing the afternoon of the performance). I wore a "little black dress" and heels. We felt appropriately dressed.
I travel with minimal luggage, and I've attended without bringing special clothes. I found black pants and a black top were fine, with some jewelry, and I used a colorful locally purchased shawl to dress it up (one of the 6E street cart shawls, nothing elaborate). I only had my walking shoes since I don't travel with any others, but I didn't feel out of place. There was a range of attire, so I don't think you need to worry about it, as long as you're dressed neatly.
La Scala web site www.teatroallascala.org states the dress code : "Gentlemen are advised to wear a black suit for premiere and are in any case always advised to wear a jacket and tie. In general we ask that you wear clothing that is in keeping with the decorum of the opera house."
There was nothing distinguishing opera from ballet performances.
Thanks, Lynn. We went on Jan. 6th and it was formal. People did not dress to the colors of the auditorium but I think that would be cool. The performance was wonderful.